PanelDue Firmware 3.3.0-rc3 released
Release Notes 3.3.0-rc3
This release requires RepRapFirmware 3.3 or later.
Version 2 (after August 2016) and Version 3 PanelDue are supported.
- added Russian translation
- added support for emerging backlight mp3302 chip
- renamed 'Print' tab into 'Status'
- added slicer time
- added simulated time
- removed layer time
- faster and consistent display of printer status
- display IP address of printer in Setup tab
- adaption to changes of object model
- allow assignment of fans, extruders and heaters to multipls beds, chambers or tools
- added debugging interface to write debugging information as gcode comments to the reprap uart
Bug fixes:
- gracefully handle parsing errors in M409 K"<key>" requests
- show warning instead of error when JSON parsing errors occur
- fix displaying of percent sign
- fix displaying of M291 dialogs
- fix sending filename in M37
- fix unresponsive screen when showing m291 message while screensaver is active
- fix updating of simulated time left during print
Downloads and flashing instructions:
Binaries can be found at
Flashing instructions can be found at
Right on time before the weekend the hopefully last release candidate. Some minor but relevant changes were introduced. Check the release notes.
I am very happy about any feedback. But most interested in bug reports
And thanks to all people who tested, reported bugs and brought new ideas to the project.
@martinnyhc If you flash back to previous version does it improve?
Are you sure you have a V3 and not a 7i?
Yes, it's a V3 on my old printer.
Just changed to RC2 and then to RC3 again and now it looks good. Strange....
The simulated times left seems be to shown correctly after a print with 3.3.0-rc3.
Thanks a lot @mfs12 for the fix. -
Good morning @mfs12,
I have been doing more tests with PanelDue 3.3.0-rc3, and I have seen that M291 S2 or S3, X1 Y1 Z1... do not show the scrolling panel, in web control they do appear.
Anyway I have also tried in the following versions without success:
PanelDue 3.3.0-rc2
PanelDue 3.2.11
PanelDue 1.24The duet2 wifi firmware was always in 3.3, I'm almost sure that these were shown in 1.24, so I'm not sure if it's something of the paneldue.
This is the code that doesn't work, am I doing something wrong?
M291 R "MOVE X" P "select position X" S2 X1
Best regards and thanks
@aitor actually there were some major changes from paneldue 1.24 to 3.x.
I can't confirm that the message is not displayed to me. Although it's quite delayed since sending the command until message dialog is displayed.
My process:
- start paneldue, rrf and dwc
- connect dwc to duet3
- send command 'M291 R "MOVE X" P "select position X" S2 X1'
In dwc it's instantly displayed. On paneldue the message is delayed up to 1-2s if screen is active, if screensaver is active it's delayed up to 8s.
Good morning @mfs12 ,
The message is displayed, the scroll bar is the one that is not displayed.
As you say in dwc it is displayed instantly. In the panel, the message is delayed up to 1-2 seconds if the screen is active, if the screen saver is active, it is delayed up to 8 seconds, but the scrollbar is not displayed
My process:
start paneldue5i 3.3RC3, rrf3.3 and dwc3.3
connect dwc to duet2 wifi + duex5
send command 'M291 R"MOVE X" P"select position X" S3 X1'
I don't know if I understood you correctly, in duet3 if the scroll bar is shown?
Best regards and thanks
@aitor said in PanelDue Firmware 3.3.0-rc3 released:
I don't know if I understood you correctly, in duet3 if the scroll bar is shown?
the extra buttons are not displayed.
@mfs12 said in PanelDue Firmware 3.3.0-rc3 released:
los botones adicionales
Sorry, it's Monday and I'm a bit sleepy today.
The extra buttons should appear, right?
Hey @aitor, sorry, to tell you once more. This is not yet implemented. Only for Z-axis is supported so far.
I created an issue on github and will keep any progress there updated.
@mfs12 Hello! I am getting more standby temp boxes than I have defined extruders. Interestingly, the number of active temp boxes is correct.
@generisi thanks for reporting. It's known already. Please check
A new release candidate was published. Please check