PanelDue 3.4.0-pre2 released
Hallo fellow users,
I just build a fresh pre-release of paneldue. Please feel free to peek into the release. It brings mostly bug fixes and translation fixes.
Especially people not using the english version are welcome to test and leave their feedback.
Further i want to point out a common effort to cleanup translations for next official release. If you are interested to join check out the following forum thread.
Thanks again to all helping hands... enjoy 3D - printing and have fun.
Release Notes 3.4.0-pre2
This release requires RepRapFirmware 3.4 or later.
Version 2 (after August 2016) and Version 3 PanelDue are supported.
- add cross-platform headless builds based on cmake
- cleaned up dim/screensaver handling
- removed compiler warnings
- enabled Russian localization by default
- enabled Ukrainian localization by default
- improved list-locales tool for translation debugging
Bug fixes:
- fixed displaying of M291 S2 and S3 if followed by M292
- fixed displaying macro buttons in control tab
- fixed setting of serial baud rate after reboot
- cleaned up English
- cleaned up Czech translation
- cleaned up French translation
- cleaned up German translation
Downloads and flashing instructions:
Binaries can be found at
Flashing instructions can be found at
@mfs12 Seems that buttons got really fast auto-repeat when hold.
hey @boa, if it's too fast, you are too slow...
just joking. auto-repeat should work with a 100ms interval.
Which hardware are you using?
Good morning @mfs12
The "heaters comb." and "heat's not comb." button does not work.
It stays always combined as in pre1, which I already commented in Help for translation needed.
The rest apparently works fine, I'll comment if I see anything else.
Best regards
Hey @Aitor,
The "heaters comb." and "heat's not comb." button does not work.
I can't reproduce this behavior. Tested it in english, german and spanish.
Can you describe the process in more detail.
Good morning @mfs12
I attach two images of version 3.3, in them you can see the difference between combining (image1) and not combining (image2) the heaters.
The thing is, in the pre2 version they always remain combined (image1).
On the other hand, I have noticed that when you change the extrusion distance or extrusion speed, the buttons are no longer highlighted, at first if they are, but as soon as you change the distance or speed, they are all unchecked.
I take advantage of these images also, to comment that in the version 3.3 at least the home A that I have configured is not shown and that when I have 4 heads if I want to have them without combining, I can't see all the tools, I do not know how, but a scroll button could be added to show the remaining buttons, to the style of the section works to pass of "pages".
Best regards
@Aitor, I created an issue for the reported bug.
Any progress in this topic will be reflected there.
@mfs12 I am using paneldue 7i.
I could understand fast autorepeat on buttons like +, - or something, but on buttons like Extrude and Retract...
Using pattern line press->250ms->repeat every 100ms would be a nice touch and prevent accidental multiple triggers. -
Hey @boa, thanks for reporting this issue. You are absolutely right. Your described behavior is the intended. I fixed it will be part of next release.
Good morning @mfs12,
Attached are the config.g's we discussed, I have only been able to test config.g and config_2021.08.25.g, but config_PL.g should also give you problems when combining.
@mfs12 Has anyone mentioned a problem on the 5i where using the extrusion control (with tool 1) the extrusion length and speed do not remain highlighted after being selected? What would I provide for you to check this out if it is a new issue? I am using 3.4.0 b4.
On another note, could DWC report which version of firmware the Paneldue is running? It would be nice to have.
@GeneRisi, button behavior changed slightly as touch events are handled in a more generic way. buttons now get released again after pressing, which is more in my opinion more correct. But in that case it is problematic. Thanks for reporting.
DWC reporting to PanelDue's version is not planned because DWC is not aware of PanelDue, as PanelDue is not aware DWC as ASFAIK RRF doesn't know anything neither about PanelDue nor DWC. Introducing this dependency doesn't sound very tempting to me.
@GeneRisi, thanks for reporting this problem.
It got fixed with following PR and will be part of the next release.
Check the new release...