please help me blv setting
the deformation is the fan -
@sgk what material is it that you are printing?
Looking at your gcode file you have set the bed to 90C. That is waaaaay too hot for PLA and I doubt your extruder temp of 195C would be correct if it was PETG or ABS.
Leads me to think that @oliof was right and the deformation at the bottom of the part is because it is too hot and the part is melting!
TYPE:Custom M104 S195; set extruder temp M140 S90 ; set bed temp M109 S195 ; wait for extruder temp M190 S90 ; wait for bed temp
but if I have but not 90 it does not adhere to the bed.
pla -
and as we see in the photo it is already peeling off on the corner -
@engikeneer I've been fighting for months, I've changed a lot of things but still the same I'm at the end of the line
@sgk what is your print surface?
@oliof 350x350mm
what material? painter's tape, PEI, Pertinax, Buildtak,....?
@oliof pei
@sgk make sure there is no protective sleeve still on the PEI. Then clean it with Isopropyl Alcohol. Then give it a scuff with steel wool.
For PEI the right temperature for PLA is 55-65C. If that doesn't stick there is another issue you will need to fix. 90C is definitely wrong.
@oliof I put a new pei plate it may be the same because the aluminum plate is 10mm
depends on where your thermistor sits. But going 90C is still wrong. I would suggest to let the bed soak for 10-15min at 60C then try again.
@oliof ok
Don't forget to reslice with adjusted bed heat settings.
@oliof yes but that has nothing to do with the quality of the piece if
Let's solve one problem at a time. I you don't have proper adhesion, the rest of the print will always look bad no matter what. So that needs fixing first.
@oliof yes ok thank you
I put new pei my ca does not adhere to 60 degrees -
as the aluminum plate is 10mm I have to heat for 30 minutes to 60 after it holds