3.5.0rc1: Input shaping causes layer shifts!?
Newest version works with IS on. It was quieter during infills, as well. Thanks for all your work -
@NeoDue I did a quick test today and the new version has no issues for me (but that's not worth a lot since I fixed my previous issues with increased current).
My thanks to all of you who provided data to help me solve this issue.
I tried a different model and I see the layer shift with the newer firmware.
When I switched back to 3.4.6, It prints fine. So, it looks like the problem still exists.
@balajiramani you need to help me there... where is the layer shift in your picture? I only see some ringing...
I am printing a dactyl manuform keyboard case. The one on the right was printed with 3.4.6 and the one on the right was printed with 3.5.0-rc+.
The walls are supposed to be straight but are tilted.
@balajiramani Ah, that is rather some calculation error that seems to cause leaning if I interpret your picture correctly, but not a layer shift, and most probably something different than the issue in this thread. It might be worthwhile creating a new thread for that.
Edit: ... or resurrect his thread here where you already had posted a while ago. That one is about your leaning issue: https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/33886/y-slope-with-3-5-0-rc1-not-seen-with-3-4-6
@NeoDue Good point. Let me move this issue to the other thread. Thanks for pointing that out.
@Exerqtor No, I haven't. Let me try that and report back.
@Exerqtor I just tried it with a different model and it fails. Here is a photo of the the failure that I see within the first two layers.
This is a diferent gcode that the previous one. This one prints fine on 3.4.6.
I have now seen y slope with the latest rc3+4, and have replied to the thread referred to above. My cube was absolutely fine apart from the slope.
Hi @dc42, I'm interested in building this version myself, could you please provide guidance on which commits from the repositories I should checkout to ensure that I'm working with the correct codebase?
Thank you very much in advance. -
@leone use the latest commits on the 3.5-dev branch of each project.
We expect to release 3.5.0-rc.4 in the next few days.
@dc42 thank you very much for the info!