use M552 to abandon the current connection
Hi ALL !!!
Finally back in business
Probably after an update is popped out this error:Error in start-up file macro line 29: use M552 to abandon the current connection attempt before using this command My network section was always like this with no errors:
; Network M550 PDelta-Printer ; Set machine name M552 S1 ;G4 P1000 (old setting to create a delay from activation wifi and check the wifi name saved previously) M587 S"*****" P"*****" I***** M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP/HTTPs M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP M586 P2 S0 ; Disable Telnet I tried to enable or disable the G4 P1000 but do not change a thing.
I would say that the error rise two update ago.config.g
I had a look here :
And seems fine the configuration.
Any clue ? -
@giostark don't use M587 in your config. The SSID and password are stored on the WiFi module so don't need to be resent every time
@jay_s_uk nailed itThanks.
I don't understand why my brain did not considered this option. Damn.
Anyway would be useful for other noob to add this line in the guide right under the " Use M587 to add a WiFi..." :"If you have already store the connection , disable the line M587 with the wifi data." (or something like that)
This is the standard setup, with the Duet 3 Mini 5+ WiFi (in standalone mode) or Duet 2 WiFi connecting to your network through a WiFi access point/router. This is covered in the Getting Connected guide. Briefly: Connect to Duet, via USB and serial terminal, or via console if already connected to network. Use M587 to add a WiFi host network to the remembered list of networks. To set a static IP address, use the 'I' parameter in your M587 command. If you leave this out, the Duet IP address will be set by the router, using DHCP. Use M552 S1 to turn on networking, and connect. You can specify the host network to connect to using the 'P' parameter, so long as the host network has already been stored using M587. Note: the IP addresses in the following diagram are an example of how a network may be configured. Your network may use different IP addresses and ranges. -
@giostark Thanks, I've updated this page to make it clearer:
It's also stated in the Gcode dictionary
Important! Do not use M587 within config.g. As well as being a security hazard, writing the access point parameters to WiFi chip every time you start the Duet may eventually wear out the flash memory. Also, the wifi module does not get enabled until the end of running config.g (see this forum thread for explanation). It is better to use a macro to send M587.
Thanks Ian !
I wrote to Phaedrux and asked him to do this . (I wrongly supposed him would ask you that because instead you were faster !)
This community is very great . I really really like it , so I hope to be helpful in future.
Cheers ! -
@giostark It was also my night time!.