Just launched pre-orders of my 3D printing book
Not want to wee on your chips but i think 99% of us here somewhat technically adept so I think you are preaching to the wrong crowd, and as mentioned with shipping the market is reduced even further.
@fma We will be working on the e-book after we get through the paper book launch. I agree that overseas shipping makes the price a challenge. Part of the reason the pre-order price is only $34 is to help offset shipping cost to EU and Canada. I am hoping we can show enough demand to get an overseas reseller to help cut distribution costs. (So far so good.)
@CaLviNx Your response tells me I didn't explain the book very well, which is useful feedback
Most people in the US are telling me it's underpriced. It's a 370 page full color 8"x10" book with almost 200 illustrations and tables. There's a lot of stuff people around here probably know (like why Ultimakers can move fast) to stuff you probably don't know, like the original CoreXY patent from the 1950s, bearing capacity de-rating factors, rod and extrusion sizing rules, detailed lubricant recommendations, application-specific bearing life calculations...
Check out some sample pages and full table of contents here: http://www.sublimepublications.com/store/p1/3D_Printer_Engineering_Volume_1%3A_Motion_Platform_Design.html
Totally understand if we didn't hit someone's price point. The folks spending $180 on an Ender 3 and keeping it stock probably aren't going to be interested. But the book price is the equivalent of about two spools of filament... cheap filament if you're in the US or good filament if you're in the EU.
Ordered my copy today.
Luckily my decades of mechanical experience and my years studying for my mechanical degree has taught me well, and it has also taught me that superfluous facts are of no real material use when problem solving.
Good luck with sales, I suppose it will make Nice coffee table reading for the ender spectrum of the market. Just in time for Christmas too.
Mind you i had an ender-3 obtained for use as a teaching tool at the university, the junior engineers i teach love it to play with. They have now modified it beyond all recognition.
May I make a suggestion, that you try to get an interest in high school industrial tech classes or something similar? I could see schools getting into 3D printing since in the future it will be a common manufacturing process and could be very informative and a good market for you to reach out to. Best of luck!
@nikker Once Volumes 2 and 3 are complete (they're written but need illustrating/editing) I'm planning to turn Vols 1-3 into a single textbook for a mechatronics course or similar.
Found a typo, probably too late.
Page 10 in the book or 18 in the "table of contents - foreword" pdf it says open-ource, instead of open-source, I guess.Edit:I don't know if it is in the final version.
@genghisnico13 Dang. That's not in my manuscript but it is in the final press file. Must have been introduced in one of the post-layout editing rounds. (Probably when we made all the "open source" vs "open-source" formatting consistent.) Thanks for pointing it out, I'll let my publisher know, maybe we can get it for the second print run.
Can't catch everything. If there's only one typo per chapter, I'll be pretty happy!
@RCarlyle I am trying to order this book but the shop page doesn't load (404). What's a good way to get a copy to Germany?
It will be ebook avaliable?
I think it's @mhackney that runs Sublime Publications.