Won't HOME after capacitive sensor installed
@phaedrux said in Won't HOME after capacitive sensor installed:
still X is homing to the left and skipping the belt
That sounds like a separate issue. What direction should it move in X to get to the switch?
First we need to verify that your endstop switches are working as expected. See the procedure here: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Connecting_endstop_switches#Section_Testing_endstop_switches_using_the_web_interface
Then we need to verify that your endstop configuration matches the location of the end stops. If you are standing in front of your printer looking at it, where are the end stops located? Left, right, back, front? The 0,0 origin of the printer should be the front left. The printer can home in either direction, but +Y should be towards the back and +X should be to the right. See here for more detail: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Centering_the_bed_or_setting_the_bed_originThank you for the cleaned up homeall.g I replaced it and, yes, X is still grinding on home/endstop. The physical endstop switch is to the left if you are standing in front of the printer and looking forward, just like Y is away from you ( to the rear ). Funny thing is that homex.g is working properly.
edit: One more thing to note. One you home each axes by them selves they home just fine. So, you can home X and Y and the nozzle will endup in the far left and the bed to the rear, but when I home Z the X and Y axis move their specified offset which is fine, but if I home Z again the X and Y move the same amount of offset until the belts are skipping on the other side. It's almost as if Duet doesn't know the orientation
@excelon Can you post your homex and homey files as well?
This may also help:
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Test_homing_behaviour -
Sure, here you go. I'm sure I am missing something small. In the mean while I will take a look at the link you sent me.
I figured it out. I had to change from G1 S2 to G1 S1 in homeall.g. Now I have some fine tuning to do.
Glad you got it sorted out.
@phaedrux thank you and dc42 for all your help. I love the challenge. Once the homeall actually worked I have to admit it felt pretty satisfying.
I had to run out of the house for a movie date but I tried to print something quickly just to see if all is working but..... homeall was fine. Start print position was even good but as soon as the X axis started its Jog to the right the nozzle started to lower and dug into the bed pretty aggressively. Can you give me some insight and/or links to research this issue please?
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas
Thanks again for all your help. -
Can you post the first 50 or so lines of the gcode file you tried to print?
Have you calibrated your z probe trigger height?
@phaedrux said in Won't HOME after capacitive sensor installed:
calibrated your z probe
I'm not sure if I set z probe height or not, so I would probably say no.
edit: Are you talking about G31 code in config.g?
Can you send me another link on this please?50 lines of gcode
; G-Code generated by Simplify3D(R) Version 4.1.1
; Dec 24, 2018 at 10:50:20 AM
; Settings Summary
; processName,Process1
; applyToModels,raspberri_pi_camera_case_back_v0.4,raspberri_pi_camera_case_front_m3_bot_v0.4.2,raspberri_pi_camera_case_front_m3_top_v0.4.2,raspberri_pi_camera_case_front_v0.1r,raspberri_pi_camera_case_front_v0.4.2,raspberri_pi_camera_case_back_v0.1r
; profileName,Creality Ender 3
; profileVersion,2018-07-11 08:00:00
; baseProfile,
; printMaterial,PLA
; printQuality,Medium
; printExtruders,
; extruderName,Primary Extruder
; extruderToolheadNumber,0
; extruderDiameter,0.4
; extruderAutoWidth,0
; extruderWidth,0.4
; extrusionMultiplier,0.9
; extruderUseRetract,1
; extruderRetractionDistance,4
; extruderExtraRestartDistance,0
; extruderRetractionZLift,0
; extruderRetractionSpeed,2400
; extruderUseCoasting,0
; extruderCoastingDistance,0.2
; extruderUseWipe,0
; extruderWipeDistance,5
; primaryExtruder,0
; layerHeight,0.2
; topSolidLayers,3
; bottomSolidLayers,3
; perimeterOutlines,3
; printPerimetersInsideOut,1
; startPointOption,2
; startPointOriginX,0
; startPointOriginY,0
; sequentialIslands,0
; spiralVaseMode,0
; firstLayerHeightPercentage,100
; firstLayerWidthPercentage,150
; firstLayerUnderspeed,0.5
; useRaft,0
; raftExtruder,0
; raftTopLayers,3
; raftBaseLayers,2
; raftOffset,3
; raftSeparationDistance,0.14
; raftTopInfill,100
; aboveRaftSpeedMultiplier,0.3
; useSkirt,1
; skirtExtruder,0 -
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Test_and_calibrate_the_Z_probe and then the trigger height section.
You'll need to do this to get the z probe working accurately. That would explain the first layer digging into the bed since it doesn't actually know where z0 is until you tell it how far the nozzle is from the bed when the probe triggers.
2 questions.....
How can I lower the nozzle -0.160 before the printing starts. When I start the print the nozzle is just a tad bit too high and I use -0.160 in babysteps to lower it to the correct height. Do I do this manually or can I do it in programming?
Does Duet get the set Z height from running the mesh compensation or from the config.g code? Reason I ask is because after I running the mesh compensation and take a look at the grid its showing me that my bed is way off as far as being flat is concerned. So, basically I am wondering if running the mesh compensation tool is getting the height of the bed or just offering the variations in height?
Well you set the trigger height like this:
Calibrate the Z probe trigger height
Make sure the dynamic test is successful (Z probe stops when it senses the bed) before doing this.
Ensure that the Z offset in G31 in config.g is set to 0, these steps will be used to measure this actual offset. (send G31 Z0 to set it to 0).
Use the X and Y jog buttons to position the nozzle over the centre of the bed
Jog the nozzle down until it is just touching the bed or just gripping a sheet of paper. If you can't get it low enough, send G92 Z10 to trick the firmware into thinking the nozzle is higher than it actually is.
Once you have the nozzle touching the bed, send command G92 Z0 to tell the firmware that the head is at Z=0
Jog the head up by 5 to 10mm
If the Z probe needs to be deployed, deploy it
Send command G30 S-1. The nozzle will descend or the bed rise until the probe triggers and the Z height at which the probe stopped will be reported. If you are using a nozzle-contact Z probe, the trigger height will be slightly negative. For any other type of Z probe where the probe triggers before the nozzle contacts the bed, it will be positive.
Repeat from step 5 two or three times to make sure that the trigger height is consistent.
In Duet Web Control, go to Settings -> System Editor and edit the config.g file. Set the Z parameter in the G31 command to the trigger height that was reported. Save the file.Then if you still need a bit of baby stepping to get it right you can add or subtract the value of baby stepping to the g31 z value in config.g to make it persistent.
The mesh compensation takes your 0 point and maps out the variations plus and minus across the bed and adjusts the z axis to keep the nozzle at the same distance.
@phaedrux Thank you. Makes sense.
Where exactly would I change total print speed and extruder amount as I have to manually increase extruder to 120% and reduce print speed to 80%. Secondly, if I have to reduce the print speed to 80% is the reduction of 20% factual in the actual numbers in the gcode? Same goes for the increase in the extruder?
@phaedrux Not sure if I am doing something wrong but added Z-.160 to the G31 command in config.g doesn't add the offset to the Z during a print. Any ideas?
You'll have to calibrate the extruder e steps per mm. If you google e steps calibration you'll find some videos that go through it but it basically comes down to measuring a fixed distance on the filament and extruding the same amount and comparing what actually got used and then modifying the steps per mm to get them closer together. I wrote a long post about extruder calibrating a week or so ago if you search you might find it
For print speed you should set that in the slicer.
@excelon said in Won't HOME after capacitive sensor installed:
@phaedrux Not sure if I am doing something wrong but added Z-.160 to the G31 command in config.g doesn't add the offset to the Z during a print. Any ideas?
Have you varified your z0 position? If you job the nozzle to z0 is it just touching the bed?
Is your mesh compensation accurate? Is it even being loaded? G29 S1 to load the saved height map.
@phaedrux Not sure what you mean by " Is your mesh compensation accurate? ". Do I have to run the mesh comp tool once again after I find the correct height?
I was able to get the negative offset to work in the Z axis but I had to add a G30 P1 Z-.160 comand after G31 command. Should I not have to do that?
; Z-Probe
M574 Z5 S2 ; Set Z probe
M558 P5 H5 F240 T6000 I1 ; Set Z probe type to switch and the dive height + speeds
G31 P1000 X-75 Y-45 Z0 ; Set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
G30 P1 Z-.160
M557 X-8:172 Y0:220 S20 ; Define mesh grid -
@excelon said in Won't HOME after capacitive sensor installed:
Do I have to run the mesh comp tool once again after I find the correct height?
I'm not really clear on that actually. I don't think so. As long as the probe is getting a repeatable result I think the mesh should be valid and the height offset would apply to all points.
But what I mean by is your your height map accurate is that if you have mesh compensation active and you move to z1 and then jog the nozzle in X and Y does it actively adjust the z axis to keep the nozzle a steady 1mm away from the bed, or does it seem to get closer or farther as it moves?
A good test of that is to print a bed level test STL that prints some lines across the surface of the bed. If the mesh is accurate it should give a consistent first layer. If it's not some areas might be too squished and others too far away.
Maybe you can post an image of your mesh compensation result. It can be easier to judge a good map just from looking at it sometimes.
Your g31 doesn't look right. The z value shouldn't be zero. Once you've used that trigger height process using g30 s-1 to measure it you should put that value there.
I'm not sure what that g30 p1 is for but it probably shouldn't be there in config.g. your problem should be resolved once you have a measured value entered in the g31 z in the line above.
Can you post your config.g and homing files as they are now as well? I think you're pretty close to getting everything in place.
OK. So, the mesh comp tool/map is active and working 100%. I know this because my bed is pretty messed up from pile driving the nozzle into the corner trying to figure out a few things ( my fault ). Not to mention that I didn't know how to code in the mesh mapping into my gcode and used to have to do it manually, but not anymore, thank you.
As for the G30 P1 in the config.g.... I entered it there because no matter the value I entered in the G31 line, it would make no difference. I know you have said before that I should be able to enter a Z offset in the G31 line, but it doesn't work.
NOTE: I removed the Z neg offset becuase I manually changed it but I would still like to be able to offset Z in the future in case I changed nozzles or the like.Most recent files.....
3_1545799253017_homez (1).g 2_1545799253017_homey.g 1_1545799253017_homex.g 0_1545799253016_homeall (1).g