Duet WiFi always starting and will not connect to WiFi
Having the same problem. M552 says Module is being started. Have switch to different firmwares, updated wifi firmware, and still fails to start. It will not store ssid information, and an M552 S1 says Turn off the current WiFi mode before selecting a new one
M552 S0 says ok, Been at this for days and cannot get it to connect. I only get a single blue flash on WIFI led on power up. I get blue lights flashing when uploading WIFI firmware. -
Neither of you have said which main firmware version you are running (send M115 to check), or which WiFi firmware version you think you are running and how you tried to install it.
I am back to trying the 2.02 (RTOS) I put these on a blank sd card along with the WIfiServer-1.22bin. Extracted Webcontrol to WWW folder. I sent a M997 S0, then a M997 S1. Said upload complete.
Both displayed progress on my panel due when uploading.
This is after Uploading Wifiserver-1.22.bin
@s_mabe said in Duet WiFi always starting and will not connect to WiFi:
This is after Uploading Wifiserver-1.22.bin
By "Uploading", I presume you mean that you copied it to the SD card in a PC, because WiFi is not working. After you copied it to the SD card, did you rename it to exactly DuetWiFiServer.bin, deleting the existing file of the same name first?
Yes I took off the -1.22 from the file so it was identical to the one I removed, and uploaded, I guess I mean flashed with an M997 S1 command using Yat.
The date it displays for the wifi firm is identical to the WifiServer-1.22.bin file when sending an M115 command.
And still just get this
Would it be better to erase the board and try it all over? I have tried original sd for stock, to updating the the wifi firm, to trying a fresh sd card with different firmwares from 2.0-2.03 betas and it always returns the same on these commands. I never get an idle message.
@s_mabe said in Duet WiFi always starting and will not connect to WiFi:
Would it be better to erase the board and try it all over? I have tried original sd for stock, to updating the the wifi firm, to trying a fresh sd card with different firmwares from 2.0-2.03 betas and it always returns the same on these commands. I never get an idle message.
I don't think that will help. It looks like either there is a communication failure between the WiFi module and the Duet main processor, or the wifi firmware failed to upload, or the wifi firmware you are installing is corrupt. Please try downloading and installing the wifi firmware here https://www.dropbox.com/s/gkb6rulcayiqjcm/DuetWiFiServer.bin?dl=0.
Is your Duet still under warranty?
I just bought it from Filastruder. Finally got the rest of the stuff needed and have begun to set it up. I bought it Febuary 28th, so I think I am still in the return window. Seems everything else works. I have not connected any heaters yet, but the motors are running properly, and controllable from the Panel due. Config changes are working. Had to reverse some motors. Just no wifi.
I have checked it after putting the different firms and it returns as 2.03 or whatever I flash to it. The wifi module lights up when flashing firm.
Tried that firmware and does the same thing.
It's time to ask Filastruder to replace your Duet then.
Thank you for your time!!
Having the exact same problem on a Duet 2 WiFi immediately after updating from RRF 3.2 to 3.2.2.
Before the update it worked perfectly.
Where can I get the WiFi firmware and how do I update it?
@tetele, I suggest you first send M997 S1 from USB or PanelDue to reinstall the WiFi firmware. That usually fixes this type of issue. The WiFi firmware file should already be on your SD card. If you need a fresh copy, you can find it here https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/releases/download/3.2/DuetWiFiServer.bin.
@dc42 worked like a charm. Thanks!
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