@T3P3Tony Thanks, I got this working. No new board!!!
Best posts made by BDPrinters
RE: Broken zprobe.in pins on Duet 2
RE: Calibration factors do not equal number of leadscrews
@gloomyandy Yes, that actually seemed to be the problem for the calibration factors not equaling the number of leadscrews. Things seem to be working fine now.
Thanks to all who have given advice on this, it is much appreciated.
Latest posts made by BDPrinters
RE: Broken zprobe.in pins on Duet 2
@T3P3Tony Thanks, I got this working. No new board!!!
Broken zprobe.in pins on Duet 2
Hey all,
I am having an issue with my duet 2 board and I believe that the zprobe.in pins are no longer working and because of that I obviously am unable to home my printer, or really use it for that matter.
I am wondering if I am able to use any other pins to configure my BlTouch so I don't have to buy a new board?
If so, what would that look like in the config file?I also have a duex5 expansion board if that helps anything.
RE: Calibration factors do not equal number of leadscrews
@gloomyandy Yes, that actually seemed to be the problem for the calibration factors not equaling the number of leadscrews. Things seem to be working fine now.
Thanks to all who have given advice on this, it is much appreciated.
RE: Calibration factors do not equal number of leadscrews
@Phaedrux I get the error that calibration factors are not equal to the number of leadscrews
RE: Calibration factors do not equal number of leadscrews
One other thing I just noticed is that I get this error just by homing all. Maybe the issue lies there.
Here is my homeall.g file.
; homeall.g ; called to home all axes ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.3.16 on Wed Nov 01 2023 09:48:25 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 Z20 F6000 ; lift Z relative to current position G1 H1 X-555 Y-555 F1800 ; move quickly to X and Y axis endstops and stop there (first pass) G1 H2 X5 Y5 F6000 ; go back a few mm G1 H1 X-555 Y-555 F360 ; move slowly to X and Y axis endstops once more (second pass) G90 ; absolute positioning G1 X15 Y15 F600 ; go to first bed probe point and home Z G30 S0 ; home Z by probing the bed ; Uncomment the following lines to lift Z after probing G91 ; relative positioning G1 Z5 F100 ; lift Z relative to current position G90 ; absolute positioning
RE: Calibration factors do not equal number of leadscrews
@fcwilt Couple questions with this.
What makes you think the order could be wrong? Not trying to challenge what you are saying, I just don't see what you are seeing to come to that conclusion, some clarity on that would be welcomed.
In my config file, I have that specific z screw being listed third, but in the bed.g file, it is set to be the second probe of the three to be probed. Do the screws need to be probed in the same order in bed.g as they are listed in the config.g?
Essentially, how it is set up now, I probe 1,2 then 3,(see below) but the order in the config file would say to probe 1,3, then 2. Is this an issue?
Also, I have since changed the bed.g probing locations to a more exact number, the original ones were rough estimates taken with a tape measure. Do the Z screw locations and the probing locations need to be the same? My initial thought is that they do not need to be, as it is the actual location, but specific coordinates to probe for those stated screws, but I could be wrong.
My setup for Z screws is laid out as such
(0,0) Home 2 screw 1 screw 3 screw```
RE: Calibration factors do not equal number of leadscrews
@gloomyandy I will take that into account next time I run into this issue (hopefully never but you never know).
Somehow it worked fine enough to be able to change my calibration settings back to where they were before, so I am happy for now about that
RE: Calibration factors do not equal number of leadscrews
@fcwilt @fcwilt Excellent catch on that typo, I completely missed that. Unfortunately after changing it, the issue still persists
RE: Calibration factors do not equal number of leadscrews
@BDPrinters I have verified that the order of the leadscrew locations are correct. I got a second set of eyes hoping I overlooked this and made a mistake, but that isn't the issue unfortunately.
Any other ideas?
Tom -
RE: Calibration factors do not equal number of leadscrews
@dc42 I double checked the bed.g file for hidden characters but I do not see anything other than the text that is shown. I will recheck the order of the screw locations. Does a mismatched order typically lead to this error triggering after the first point is probed but before the second?