@dc42 i thought there was not a 3.3 since i used the complete Zip to update. I did standalone the dwc to 3.3 and worked great. Thank you
Latest posts made by TonyGR
RE: height map not displaying in Firefox
RE: height map not displaying in Firefox
@dc42 I got this morning same problem. Chrome, DWC 3.2.2 on firmware 3.3 wnd DWS 1.26.
I enable Webgl as found lower in this post, checke my config which was same as always, but the problem for some reason is here.
On Crtl/Shift/J it gives me:
Error: Invalid Height Map
at new ExtendableBuiltin (app.56671d18.js:42)
at InvalidHeightmapError._createSuperInternal (createSuper.js:12)
at new HeightmapError (errors.js:99)
at InvalidHeightmapError._createSuperInternal (createSuper.js:12)
at new InvalidHeightmapError (errors.js:102)
at generateMeshGeometry (3d.js:229)
at VueComponent.showHeightMap (HeightMap.vue:332)
at VueComponent.showCSV (HeightMap.vue:283)
at _callee2$ (HeightMap.vue:476)
at tryCatch (runtime.js:63)Any ideas why? I found the csv and i even run a new G29 and it updated the info, but it does not show
RE: Wierd Corner pattern
@droftarts i had 900 and tested 1200 and 600 with no change. i will check some more but i had never printed with the corners in this orientation since most of my prints are 100 rounded. Since my motors are original LDO Nema 17 w/1.8deg and a high amp rating i am running them X2050.00 Y2050.00 Z1000.00 and they hardly get hot even after 15hours of print time.
@timcurtis67 i had checked the belt slack also as also proper tension and i think i am ok on this, but i will try once again.
RE: Wierd Corner pattern
@arhi As you can see from the image i posted, this is not a Z binding issue.
RE: Wierd Corner pattern
@SIam , Here is a better image.
These two cubes were printed next to each other and the smaller size stl i also tested on another printer, same slic3r without this issue. -
Wierd Corner pattern
Hello All,
I would like to pick your brain with my question.
Got a CoreXY with a Duet Wifi that has been printing for some time with no issues, only to notice today the following. (See pictures)
Gold cube has been printed square to the bed and its corners are perfect.
Red Cude on the same print settings has been printer 45 degrees to the bed. On the same red cube there are some rounded corners on the top side and those have been printed perfectly.
Your ideas are welcome!!!
RE: Super Volcano with BMG and 0.9 Motor Wierd behaviour
@singhm29 No problem sharing my current profile for my Ratrig CoreXY. Would you like PLA or PETG? Remember that this is for a SuperVolcano
RE: Duet Wifi Print status Error
Thank you guys for all your valid replies, but at the moment my issue is not the Slic3R estimate compared with the actual print time, but the estimate of the duet and the fact that while the progress bar shows 58% the file had actualy less than a minute to finish, on the last second of the print, it showed progress as 59.2% (if i recall correct). This is my first "problem"
As about the slic3R i had taken all machine "info" out for now and will try to tune it in a way to have a proper estimate.
On all my other printers, original prusa or not, print time from slic3r has been tuned to a close 3 minutes almost, but simply this seemed strange to me.
I most likely stated my info wrong, but if you check the picture in detail you will see the "issue" -
Duet Wifi Print status Error
It seems that for some reason my DUET is estimating the wrong print time.
On my CoreXY and being almost 1minute to finish the print, progress shown on both Webcontrol and Screen is about 58% done and not 99%.
Plus print started with estimation really close to slic3rPE but finished it almost 2,5 hours later.
Could someone tell me what am i doint wrong?
RE: Super Volcano with BMG and 0.9 Motor Wierd behaviour
Had never though that rectalinear might be considered bridging. Makes sense and i will test more infill patterns to compare. Thank you