@KenW said in BLTouch/Fried board:
@StevenHerbs By any chance does your BLtouch have the word creality anywhere ? If so the wiring is different. That has caused many a board to release the magic smoke.
No, zero chance. I have both and it's impossible to confuse the two. This is 100% genuine BLTouch V3.1 from Antclabs.
@droftarts said in BLTouch/Fried board:
@StevenHerbs please post a picture of your wiring, at the Duet and at the BLTouch.
U3 is the 5V regulator, and while a short to ground can make it fail, feeding it 24V is the only way to make it go up in flames. Did it go up straight away after turning on? I’d check proximity to hot end heater wires in cable runs, look for a short between that and the 5V or servo wire.
It may be repairable. You can replace U3, see https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Troubleshooting/Parts#voltage-regulators-1
Thanks for the info. No, it took part of a minute before it started shooting open flame. I didn't install the BLTouch on the carriage yet - I had it loose by the board, so the cabling wasn't anywhere close other wires to short.