
Best posts made by number40fan
Latest posts made by number40fan
RE: Y Endstop False Triggers?
Maybe your steps/mm on the Y are off and it isn't moving far enough. Try changing your second G1 to Y-400 or more and see what happens. If it works, make sure the steps are correct or the possibility that you have more travel than you think.
One last thing would be to make sure there isn't any binding and you have the current turned up enough in your config.g.
RE: Kossel XL+ specifics
Are you talking about the kit they sell?
Or are you going to make it yourself?
RE: Which E3D V6 Hot-End for Smart-Effector?
@3mm I was kind of at a loss too when I purchased my Smart Effector. Never owned a single E3D product. What I purchased that worked for me (from Filastruder) was:
Cartridge Style Upgrade/Parts that includes the Block, Thermistor and sock.
E3D heat-break v6 1.75mm version.I can't remember if I bought the heater cartridge at the time or not, but I think I just reused my old one. I was at the point of switching from 12V to 24V too.
I already owned some nozzles that I knew would fit, but if you don't think you do, it might be another thing you need to add.
RE: Horrible print quality vs Arduino, my bad ?
It has been a while since I have seen It discussed, but do you have M82 or M83 in the start of your .gcode.
RE: Banding on tall parts
Dang, what brand did you get? The ones I bought were Qunqi, cheapest I could find.
RE: Duet & Reprap firmware is destroying my CR10s Z stepper motors
I think he might have added one too many zeros.
RE: Robotdigg Rails
Whatever you used to make the spacers, you would have a little wiggle room, just like you would with T-nuts in an aluminum extrusion. The linear rail would be stiff enough to help align everything vertically if you loosely assembled the spacers first.
Even with the best made extrusions, you are not guaranteed to not have a slight bend/twist in them.
RE: IR Sensor and hairspray, can broken?
I have been using my IR with hairspray on my glass bed for almost a year now without any issues.