@mrehorstdmd I agree with this I think.
My original thinking with the sync belt and two motors was that it would be beneficial in two ways:
- More torque to move the bed frame
- Sync the two lead screws so that they can't skip steps (or at least can't skip steps individually)
- Remove the possibility of turning one side without the other accidentally
The more I think about it, the more I am interested in moving to a single motor setup, with a much smaller pulley on the motor. Mostly for the reasons below:
- Probably more consistent that two motors?
- Remove the weight from directly on top of the motors, as it is now. Is this a huge issue? I'm not sure. Does anyone know what kind of force a Nema 23 can withstand long-term directly on the shaft?
As for the bent lead screw issue, I have reached out to the supplier I purchased them from a few months ago, and they seem to be willing to replace them. If that doesn't work out, I'll purchase new ones from a different, more reliable source.
While I wait for the issue above to resolve, I have been working to try to tune it to print decently. This has been causing some headache, but that's expected.
I have been testing by printing an XYZ 20mm cube, and the extrusion seems to be inconsistent. Most obviously is the corners.
The block on the left had PA set to .025, and the block on the right had PA set to .075. This produced a noticeable improvement, but does this sound like too much? I'm using a Hemera with Volcano, at .8mm nozzle.
Of course, I forgot to get the config.g and I'm at work now. I'll try to upload that later this afternoon.
Thanks for your help guys.