@allsirius I'm using more or less the same laser module, probably just another form factor: LaserTree LT-80W-LE-Mini
I first used it with this circuit: https://photos.app.goo.gl/i8Mxxm5eNJhgfwycA
But now I have switched to the one from the wiki.
What is missing in the wiki is the info that this circuit needs a inverted signal.
And according to the wiki page about the breakout board, this is true there as well.
The example to control a servo is: M950 S0 C"!exp.heater7"
So, you probably have to use it like this: M452 C"!exp.heater7" F250
And to control the fan you have to cut the +12V supply to the module.
As dc42 said, you can't use heater and fan outputs. If i recall correctly, they switch the negative side (GND).
So you probably would need a separate relay or so to do this.