@dc42 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1000007377570.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.79bc231dBcsQSC&algo_pvid=7685f28d-8bc0-4f41-ac00-6200ee55258d&algo_exp_id=7685f28d-8bc0-4f41-ac00-6200ee55258d-0&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"1000108751369"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!USD!12.0!9.6!!!!!%402133f17c16672914432608735e3ac6!1000108751369!sea&curPageLogUid=d03Nm0gnDpXh&gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt

Latest posts made by ansonyang
RE: How to connect the TMC2160 drive board to DUET3MB6XD
How to connect the TMC2160 drive board to DUET3MB6XD
hello everyone
How to connect the TMC2160 drive board to DUET3MB6XD
@dc42 After the BOOTLOADER is uploaded to the blank ATSAME54, the LED flashes slowly and the DUETBOOT disk is added, but there is no COM display on the motherboard. When the firmware UF2 file is copied to DUETBOOT, the LED flashes quickly, and then the LED turns off, and the motherboard does not respond.
Thank you -
@tecno Sorry, maybe I didn’t describe clearly
I want to upload BOOTLOADER to blank ATSAME54 -
Maestro be developed to support WIFI?
I know that there is DUET3MINI5+, but Maestro is a good motherboard, suitable for entry-level 3D printers. Can I develop support for WIFI under the original circuit and remove the Ethernet.
good job -
RE: Custom Duet Maestro Step Drivers Enable Pin allways off
I encountered the same problem (the ENABLE line is allways at 3V3)
Can anyone help me -
RE: Question about Duet2Maestro external drive module
The price of DUET3 is beyond my ability.
I like DUET2MAESTRO very much, but TMC2224 is not what I want, I want more flexible drive support -
RE: Question about Duet2Maestro external drive module
@Veti I want to use a big drive to drive a big motor, not just DRV8825