I did the bed mesh, and unfortunately I think you're right. I guess my x-Axis Rail is bent in reason of the crash due to the firmware error.
This would be really sad, because this rail was really expensive (because its a milled out lightweight rail).
But I also think I have some skew, if you look at the right side (rear).

Here is the table of the bed mesh
RepRapFirmware height map file v2 generated at 2024-08-28 15:44, min error -0.160, max error 0.275, mean -0.052, deviation 0.085
-0.036, -0.069, -0.110, -0.130, -0.150, -0.150, -0.140, -0.120, -0.089, -0.059, -0.030, -0.010, 0.015
-0.025, -0.074, -0.100, -0.115, -0.130, -0.135, -0.120, -0.100, -0.059, -0.030, -0.010, 0.025, 0.061
-0.044, -0.089, -0.115, -0.135, -0.145, -0.145, -0.130, -0.100, -0.054, -0.020, 0.005, 0.031, 0.056
-0.049, -0.089, -0.115, -0.130, -0.135, -0.135, -0.125, -0.105, -0.059, -0.030, 0.000, 0.041, 0.086
-0.035, -0.084, -0.105, -0.125, -0.135, -0.130, -0.115, -0.089, -0.049, -0.015, 0.015, 0.056, 0.095
-0.049, -0.094, -0.125, -0.145, -0.155, -0.150, -0.155, -0.125, -0.094, -0.039, -0.010, 0.036, 0.090
-0.049, -0.105, -0.130, -0.145, -0.160, -0.155, -0.145, -0.125, -0.079, -0.044, -0.015, 0.025, 0.076
-0.044, -0.100, -0.125, -0.145, -0.150, -0.150, -0.135, -0.105, -0.069, -0.049, -0.015, 0.036, 0.100
-0.044, -0.094, -0.115, -0.135, -0.140, -0.135, -0.125, -0.105, -0.064, -0.035, 0.010, 0.056, 0.120
-0.039, -0.084, -0.110, -0.125, -0.130, -0.130, -0.120, -0.094, -0.049, -0.015, 0.015, 0.071, 0.166
-0.025, -0.078, -0.094, -0.110, -0.110, -0.105, -0.094, -0.064, -0.030, 0.005, 0.056, 0.120, 0.191
-0.015, -0.059, -0.084, -0.094, -0.115, -0.100, -0.084, -0.054, -0.015, 0.015, 0.051, 0.125, 0.240
0.015, -0.035, -0.054, -0.069, -0.059, -0.079, -0.044, 0.010, 0.061, 0.100, 0.150, 0.196, 0.275