@dc42 double sided double density 1.2M

Posts made by daavery
RE: Duet 3 Tool Board
@dc42 https://www.dropbox.com/s/eh33zxsda53bvhv/2020-02-21 13.56.06.jpg?dl=0 look familiar?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/oamu8uhdz134qj6/2020-02-21 13.55.32.jpg?dl=0 from our antique computing pile at work
RE: 3 x Z-Axis - Idea vs Engineering reality
@Garfield the maxwell linkages allow for the spacing between the mounts to vary as the joints move. so using a ball socket joint will not work well
RE: How can I control addressable RGB LEDS?
for reference adafruit DotStar LEDs are APA102(or SK98225) LEDs so any APA102 4 wire LEDS will work
RE: G0 can control NEMA23, but G92 can't get response
g92 just sets the current position to the specified value
so G92 X100 sets the current location to X100 it will never move a motor
RE: RepRapFirmware 3.0RC2 now available
@chrishamm same here too from rc1 to rc2
RE: unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta
@chrishamm Tested here - looks good - thanks
RE: How can I control addressable RGB LEDS?
the BLV interface doesn't use i2c, it uses the existing paneldue serial/JSON interface. you might look at the M150 command which controls addressable LEDS from Gcode
RE: unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta
@dc42 @chrishamm did you see the compare i did - doing a M111 P3 S1 and logging the duet3 usb port while running TEST.gcode ( see above) I see random lines of gcode being swapped in order. the 2 runs in the compare were done by just restarting the running job
i'm somewhat suprised others are not seeing the same issue.
RE: Conditional GCode
@tekkydave yep that's all done in slic3r at slice time , nothing in the firmware
RE: Thoughts on Multi-Tool Alignment (long)
the usual technique is:
probe one axis inside a circle - find the ends of the chord
move the axis to mid-point of the chord - now you should be on the radius of the other axis
probe the other axis - find the ends of the chord
move to the mid-point of the chord ( which should be the diameter )
re-probe the first axis now that you are centered in the circle
midpoint of the chord should be a high accuracy center point
RE: unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta
duet config
Board: Duet 3 MB6HC (MB6HC)
DSF Version:
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC v0.6 or 1.0 3.0beta12 (2019-11-02b1)pi config
Start-Date: 2019-12-26 09:07:20
Commandline: apt-get upgrade
duettools:armhf (,,
reprapfirmware:armhf (,,
duetwebserver:armhf (,,
duetcontrolserver:armhf (,,
duetruntime:armhf (,,
duetsoftwareframework:armhf (,,
duetsd:armhf (1.0.4, 1.0.5)
End-Date: 2019-12-26 09:08:06 -
RE: unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta
more detail - ran TEST.gcode 2 times from DWC - capturing M111 P3 S1 via duet3 micro usb port
there are obvious differences - random gcode lines are out of order
RE: unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta
1 panel - 450 bored holes - 55 min - no glitches - looks like i'm running without the pi for now
RE: unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta
@dc42 any debugging info I can get for you guys?
RE: unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta
@dc42 waiting on 55min job to finish a test pass then i will do a full panel with router on
RE: unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta
@dc42 yep that's where i started - then reverted to b12 - then disconnected the pi ribbon cable and connected a paneldue and made up an SD card to run on. that combo is working flawlessly
RE: unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta
looks like its a DWC problem - running direct from SD on DUET3 and panel due the motion is flawless