@deckingman It's a clone, but the extruder works fine by hand and I've checked the grub screws are good.
I found my pressure advance value by doing this ringing print https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4169896 and found that somewhere between 0.3 and 0.4 was my good value. You can see that the ringing is reduced on the Xs, but at 0.4 and 0.5 the corners start to go inconsistent.

So you're suggesting that setting extruder jerk low is just mitigating the problem and isn't actually solving it, as extruder jerk shouldn't be the limiting factor?
At extruder jerk of 300 I still can't get it to be consistent, it's only at 100 that I get better results, but that is extremely slow.
@bberger said in Pressure advance causing underextrusion/motor madness:
50mm wall. What happened was: it ended up extruding and retracting so much that it basically tried to extrude 25mm and then directly rectracted the same 25mm so on and so forth. In the end nothing came out of the nozzle anymore and all that was happening was constant extruding/retracting.
This is similar to the issue I'm ending up with. At a point where it is underextruding, it's as if it's ended up doing more retractions than it has unretractions, as the filament is no longer at the end of the nozzle. It then feels like it "catches up" and produces a blob. I have had issues with this in the past even with PA off, but I thought I'd fixed that. PA seems to make it far worse.
At the point where it produces a big blob, I can hear the "pop" sound you get when the filament first comes out of the nozzle.
I'll try using a Titan extruder instead and see if that makes any difference.
(I'm also running with DAA off)