Hello all,
I posted this already but I'm unable to find it within categories - so assuming that others won't find it either...
I've just got my printer switched over to RRF3.1.0 (in the hope of finally getting it going!)
I have set everything up which seems to be OK but I'm a bit confused by duet/simplify3d terms and can't find anything relevant within the codes sections. My config is here:
; rrf 3.1.0, wifiserver 1.23, dwc 1.24
M111 S0 ; debug off
M550 PFusion3 F400 ; dwc printer name
M551 Preprap ; dwc password (reprap = no password req)
M552 S1 ; enable wifi module
M555 P2 ; output looks like marlin
M575 P1 S1 B57600 ; paneldue parameters
M569 P0 S1 ; drive 0 - forward [x motor]
M569 P1 S1 ; drive 1 - forward [y motor]
M569 P2 S0 ; drive 2 - backward [z motor]
M569 P3 S0 ; drive 3 - backward [e motor]
M574 X1 S1 P"xstop" ; x endstop (min), type: microswitch (active high), "xstop" pin
M574 Y1 S1 P"ystop" ; y endstop (min), type: microswitch (active high), "ystop" pin
M574 Z2 S1 P"zstop" ; z endstop (max), type: microswitch (active high), "zstop" pin
M669 K1 ; op mode [corexy] (2.03+)
; M671 X-27.5:-27.5:365:365 Y-40:414:414:-40 P0.5 ; bed-levelling screws: front left (X-27.5, Y-40), rear left (X-27.5, Y414), rear right (X365,Y414), front right (X365, Y-40), 0.5mm thread pitch (m3)
M92 X43.56 Y43.56 Z426.67 E464.93 ; steps/mm [x,y,z,extruder]
M906 X1300 Y1300 Z1400 E1400 I100 ; motor currents (mA)
M201 X2000 Y2000 Z100 E4000 ; accelerations (mm/s^2)
M203 X33000 Y33000 Z1000 E10000 ; max speeds (mm/min)
M566 X600 Y600 Z40 E950 ; max instantaneous speed change [jerk] (mm/min)
M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ; axis min
M208 X355 Y355 Z325 S0 ; axis max
G21 ; work in mm
G90 ; absolute co-ords
M83 ; relative movements (extruder)
;===* heaters & sensors *=======================;
;---- pid parameters ---------------------------;
; bed heater ("bed_heat / h0):
; M304 P693.2 I118.520 D497.1 ; bed heater (bed_heat" / h0) computed pid parameters
; hot-end heater ("e0_heat" / h1):
; M301 H1 P34.0 I2.830 D73.5 ; hot-end heater ("e0_heat" / h1) computed pid parameters
; computed pid parameters not used as prevents rrf from using diff. parameters depending on the heating phase (uncomment = override rrf computation)
;---- sensor parameters ------------------------;
; bed temp sensor ("bed_temp" / s0):
M308 S0 P"bed_temp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4036 R4700 A"S0 (Pbedtemp)" ;H_ L_ ; sensor #0, pin name: "bed_temp", sensor type: thermistor, 100k ohms @ 25C, beta: 4036 (reciprocal of xteinhart-hart thermistor model b
; coefficient), 4.7k ohms (series R), sensor name (dwc): S0 (Pbedtemp)
; hot-end temp sensor ("e0_temp" / s1):
M308 S1 P"e0_temp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 A"S1 (Pe0temp)" ;H_ L_ ; sensor #1, pin name: "e0_temp", sensor type: thermistor, 100k ohms @ 25C, beta: 4725 (reciprocal of xteinhart-hart thermistor model b
; coefficient), steinhart coefficient, sensor name (dwc): S1 (Pe0temp)
; unknown sensor variables:
; h: adc low offset correction. temp when the current is 4mA (current loop sensors)
; l: adc high offset correction. temp when the current is 20mA (current loop sensors)
; default h & l = 0 (ignored if the hardware supports automatic adc gain and offset calibration)
;---- create heaters ---------------------------;
; bed heater ("bed_heat" / h0):
M950 H0 C"bed_heat" T0 ; heater #0, pin name: "bed_heat", uses sensor #0 ["bed_temp"]
; hot-end heater ("e0_heat" / h1):
M950 H1 C"e0_heat" T1 ; heater #1, pin name: "e0_heat", uses sensor #1 ["e0_temp"]
;---- set bed heater ---------------------------;
M140 H0 ; bed heater #0 [max 4 configurable] = heater #0 [m950 h0] (implied due to no p (bed heater index) parameter invoked)
;---- set heat process parameters --------------;
; bed heater ("bed_heat" / h0):
M307 H0 V24.0 A162.0 C664.5 D1.0 S1.0 I0 B0 ; bed heater (h0) heating process parameters: calibrated voltage: 24.0 vdc (pid controller compensates), gain (temp rise (deg C)/pwm fraction
; (1.00): 178.1, time constant for heating: 664.6s, dead time: 0.8s, pwm max (0-1.00): 1.00, inverted: no, frequency: default, pid mode: active (non-override)
; hot-end heater ("e0_heat" / h1):
M307 H1 V24.1 A709.5 C417.4 D3.1 S1.0 I0 B0 ; hot-end heater (h1) heating process parameters: calibrated voltage: 24.0 vdc (pid controller compensates), gain (temp rise (deg C)/pwm fraction
; (1.00): 823.6, time constant for heating: 271.9s, dead time: 3.8s, pwm max (0-1.00): 1.00, inverted: no, frequency: default, pid mode: active (non-override)
;---- max heater temps -------------------------;
; bed heater ("bed_heat" / h0):
M143 H0 S140 C0 A1 ; bed heater ("bed_heat" / h0) max temp: 140C - switch off permanently if >140C
; hot-end heater ("e0_heat" / h1):
M143 H1 S300 C0 A1 ; hot-end heater ("e0_heat" / h1) max temp: 300C - switch off permanently if >300C
;===* z-probe *=================================;
M558 P1 C"!zprobe.in" R0.5 H3 F1000 T15000 A5 S0.005 ; probe type, inverted (active high), 0.5s recovery (travel stop to probe dive), 3mm dive height, 1000mm/min probing speed, 15000mm/min travel
; between probes, max 5 probes per point to achieve tolerance <=0.005mm
G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.0995 P500 ; x, y, z probe offset from nozzle [probe is nozzle], trigger value (probe threshold)
M557 X0:355 Y0:355 P21 ; x & y min:max co-ords & mesh compensation no. probe points each axis (2.02+) ( >max (duet wifi max: 21x21 = 441 probes))
;===* tools *===================================;
M563 P0 D0 H1 S"Nozzle" ; tool 0 [hot end] define
G10 P0 S0 R0 ; tool 0 [hot end] operating & standby temps
; M572 D0 S0.20 ; extruder pressure advance [*current setting from fusion3 (disabled)]
; T0 ; select hot end
I am trying to get my simplify3d setup again and have (using old scripts from the printer company, Fusion3):
M104 S0 ; cancel s3d set temp
G21 ; work in mm
G92 E0 ; reset extruder count
M220 S100 ; reset speed multiplier
M104 T0 S140 ; set hot-end to 140C
M190 R50 ; set bed temp to 50C & wait
M104 T0 S175 ; set hot-end to 175C
M116 H1 S1 ; wait: hot-end = 175 +/- 1C
G1 E-20 F2500 ; e -20mm (retract) @ 2500mm/min
M104 T0 S140 ; set hot-end to 140C
M116 H1 S2 ; wait: hot-end = 140 +/- 2C
G91 ; relative co-ords (from last position not origin)
G1 Z5 F1000 H1 ; z 5mm @ 500mm/min (ensure its below probe trigger height)
G1 X-500 Y-500 F3000 H1 ; x & y -500mm [relative] (> max) @3000mm/min - until limit sw. detects
G1 X-500 H1 ; x -500mm [relative] (> max) @ 3000mm/min - until limit sw. detects
G1 Y-500 H1 ; y -500mm [relative] (> max) @ 3000mm/min - until limit sw. detects
G1 X5 Y5 F500 ; x & y 5mm @ 500mm/min
G1 X-10 H1 ; x -10mm @ 500mm/min - until limit sw. detects
G1 Y-10 H1 ; y -10mm @ 500mm/min - until limit sw. detects
G90 ; absolute co-ords (relative to origin)
G1 X172.5 Y172.5 F15000 ; x & y 172.5mm [absolute] @ 15000mm/min
G1 X177.5 Y177.5 F1000 ; x & y 177.5mm [absolute] (bed-centre) @ 1000mm/min
G30 ; raise bed until probe triggered & set z to trigger height
G1 Z5 F500 ; z 5mm [absolute] @ 500mm/min (max speed)
G91 ; relative co-ords (from last position not origin)
G1 X-172.5 Y-172.5 F15000 H1 ; x & y -172.5mm [relative] @ 15000mm/min
G1 X-50 Y-50 F1000 H1 ; x & y -50mm [relative] (> max) @1000mm/min - until limit sw. detects
G1 X-50 H1 ; x -50mm (> max) @ 1000mm/min - until limit sw. detects
G1 Y-50 H1 ; y -50mm (> max) @ 1000mm/min - until limit sw. detects
G1 X5 Y5 F500 ; x & y 5mm @ 500mm/min
G1 X-10 H1 ; x -10mm @ 500mm/min - until limit sw. detects
G1 Y-10 H1 ; y -10mm @ 500mm/min - until limit sw. detects
G90 ; absolute co-ords (relative to origin)
G1 E20 F2500 ; e 20mm (extrude) @ 2500mm/min (cancel previous retract)
M190 S[bed2_temperature] ; set bed temperature & wait
; change M190 S to R for accurate temp? --- dont need an M116 to wait due to R??
M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; set hot-end temp & wait
; change M109 to M104 T0 S[extruder0_temperature]? --- include M116 H1 (1 = hot-end heater) below??
; M116 H1 S2 ; wait: hot-end = S[extruder0_temperature] +/- 2C
T0 ; select tool 0 (hot-end)
G1 E10 F500 ; extrude 10mm @ 500mm/min (prime)
G1 X5 F10000 ; x 5mm y 0mm [absolute] @ 10000mm/min (wipe start position: x 5 y 0)
G1 Z0.10 F1000 ; z 0.10mm [absolute] @ 1000mm/min (bed up to begin wipe)
G1 X177.5 E5 F15000 ; x 177.5mm [absolute] & extrude 5mm @ 15000mm/min (max) whilst z = 0.10mm [absolute] (nozzle wipe: extruding while moving)
G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0
M83 ; relative extruder co-ords
G1 E-10 F2500 ; e -10mm (retract) @ 2500mm/min (prevent oozing)
G91 ; relative co-ords (last position, not origin)
G1 X-10 Y-10 Z1 F20000 H1 ; xy -10mm z 1mm [relative] @ 20000mm/min sensing for limit sw. (disengage from print)
G1 X10 Y10 F20000 H1 ; xy 10mm z 1mm [relative] @ 20000mm/min (z = max speed (1000mm/min)) sensing for limit sw. (back to print end xy co-ords)
G1 X-10 Y-10 F20000 H1 ; xy -10mm z 1mm [relative] @ 20000mm/min sensing for limit sw.
G1 X10 Y10 Z4 F20000 H1 ; xy 10mm z 4mm [relative] @ 20000mm/min (z = max speed (1000mm/min)) sensing for limit sw.
; M106 S0 ; turn off fan (part-cooling)
M140 S-273 ; absolute 0 (switch bed heater off)
M104 T0 S0 ; set hot-end to 0C
G90 ; absolute co-ords (relative to origin)
G1 X177.5 Y177.5 F15000 ; x & y 177.5mm [absolute] (bed-centre) @ 15000mm/min
G1 X177.5 Y350 F15000 ; x 177.5mm y 350mm [absolute] @ 15000mm/min
G1 X177.5 Y355 F1000 ; x 177.5 y 355mm [absolute] (rear-centre) @ 1000mm/min
G91 ; relative co-ords
G1 Z400 F1000 H1 ; z 400mm [relative] (>max) @ 1000mm/min - until limit sw. detects
M84 S10 ; motors to idle after 10s