@bearer am i right to say usign external fuse like this? can i still print by bypassing it temporarily? thanks a ton!

Posts made by felixlvh
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
@bearer said in Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0:
vssa directly to ground
@bearer If i did it correctly, It still shows the same error 2000'C
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
@bearer Thanks, i am still uncertain about the vssa fuse. if you see the image here, https://ibb.co/TYb2MNS i got reading 90.9K. i can now confirm board is v1.01.
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
@bearer said in Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0:
not connected to the board wht do you get?
@bearer , i got reading 80.3K
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
@dc42 @bearer
i have tried to disconnect all wires to isolate the issue. i am plugging in the extruder heaters e1, extruder thermistors, bed thermistor, heated bed still showing the same error. do you think is should get a new board?
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
@bearer said in Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0:
no, it should measure as close to 0 ohm when its ok, but it can be tricky to pierce oxide layer on old solder joints. You could repeat the measurement between Vin- and both pins on the thermistor input (one of them should be close to 0 ohm if the fuse ok)
Looks to be the right part, but smaller on rev 1.2.
Thanks @bearer , in this case i don't think my vssa fuse is blown.
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
Hi @bearer
It should be 1.02. i searched around and found the vssa. assumed i am on the right fuse, the multimeter doesn't give me any reading. do i need to connect to power? thanks again!
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
@bearer said in Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0:
Hi @bearer thanks for your reply.
I look closer to my board and found something is blown as screenshot. I am not sure if this is VSSA, can you point me to the right fuse?
RE: Heater Fault
Hi @dc42, i have the same issue as mentioned above. can you eleborate how can i use a multimeter to verify if i have vssa fuse blown? i am pretty sure all wiring are ok and now i am getting open circuit error message. thanks a ton!
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2.05.1 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.0 or 1.01 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2020-02-09b1
@dc42 said in Heater Fault:
Yes, if your Duet is a revision 1.0 or 1.01 then with power off, use a multimeter to measure the resistance between VSSA on a thermistor pin and GND on an endstop pin. It should read no more than a few ohms. If instead it's very high, the VSSA fuse has blown, which will make all thermistors read 2000C.
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
more details below; run some commands
Heater 0 uses Thermistor sensor channel 0, last error: sensor open circuit, T:100000.0 B:3950.0 C:0.00e+0 R:4700.0 L:54 H:-97
Heater 1 uses Thermistor sensor channel 1, last error: sensor open circuit, T:100000.0 B:4725.0 C:7.06e-8 R:4700.0 L:0 H:0
Heater 0 model: gain 90.0, time constant 700.0, dead time 10.0, max PWM 1.00, calibration voltage 0.0, mode bang-bang, inverted no, frequency default
Heater 1 model: gain 550.2, time constant 241.2, dead time 7.0, max PWM 1.00, calibration voltage 0.0, mode PID, inverted no, frequency default
Computed PID parameters for setpoint change: P11.2, I0.272, D54.8
Computed PID parameters for load change: P11.2FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2.05.1 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.0 or 1.01 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2020-02-09b1
Board image : https://ibb.co/9n1mwS5
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
i read about some posts it could be vss fuse issue. any idea how to identify and fix this?
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
pretty sure it's not wiring issue. its duet web
RE: Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
it worked yesterday. and today i turned on this errors appear
Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0
Hi there
i am getting the 2000'C errror when boot up.
Error: Temperature reading fault on heater 0: sensor open circuit
; Configuration file for UltiBots D300 V-Slot Delta 3D Printer
; version 1.0 for RepRapFirmware version 1.18.1; Communication and general
M111 S0 ; Debug off
M550 PD300VS ; Machine name and Netbios name (can be anything you like)
M551 XXXXX ; Machine password (used for FTP)
; *** If you have more than one Duet on your network, they must all have different MAC addresses, so change the last digits
M540 P0xBE:0xEF:0xDE:0xAD:0xFE:0xEF ; MAC Address
; Wifi Networking
M552 S1 ; Enable Wifi by default
M552 P192.168.5.171
M555 P2 ; Set output to look like Marlin; *** Uncomment if you have the optional PanelDue display
;M575 P1 B57600 S1 ; Communication parameters for the PanelDueG21 ; Work in millimeters
G90 ; Send absolute positional coordinates...
M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves; Axis and motor configuration
M569 P0 S0 ; Drive 0 goes forwards (X tower)
M569 P1 S0 ; Drive 1 goes forwards (Y tower)
M569 P2 S0 ; Drive 2 goes forwards (Z tower)
M569 P3 S1 ; Drive 3 goes forwards (extruder 1)M574 X2 Y2 Z2 S1 ; Set endstop configuration (all endstops at high end, active high)
; *** The homed height is deliberately set too high in the following - these will be adjusted with delta auto-calibration
M665 R210.478 L360.31 B140 H436.291 X-0.082 Y-0.058 Z0.00 ; Set delta radius, diagonal rod length, printable radius and homed height
M666 X0.26 Y1.22 Z-1.48 ; Endstop offset adjustments, these will be adjusted with delta auto-calibrationM350 X64 Y64 Z64 E16 I1 ; Set microstepping to 32 for X, Y and Z and 16 for extruder stepper with interpolation
M92 X800 Y800 Z800 ; Set axis steps/mm
M906 X1000 Y1000 Z1000 E500 ; Set motor currents (mA)
M201 X1000 Y1000 Z1000 E1000 ; Accelerations (mm/s^2)
M203 X20000 Y20000 Z20000 E3600 ; Maximum speeds (mm/min)
M566 X1200 Y1200 Z1200 E300 ; Maximum instant speed changes mm/minute; Fans
M106 P1 T50 S255 H1 ; Set hotend heatsink FAN1 thermostatic control at 50°C; Thermistors
M305 P0 T100000 B3950 R4700 L54 H-97 ; Kapton bed heater thermistor
M305 P1 R4700 T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 ; E3D V6 Semitec GT-104 thermistor cartridge; Heater configuration
M307 H0 B1 ; Heater 0 (bed) use bang-bang control
M307 H1 A512.9 C267.0 D9.0 B0 ; Heater 1 (hot end) use PID; Tool definitions
M563 P0 D0 H1 ; Define tool 0, the extruder
G10 P0 S0 R0 ; Set tool 0 operating and standby temperatures
M92 E780 ; Set extruder steps per mm; Z probe and compensation definition
; Change "H25" to "H3" AFTER commissioning your printer
M558 P4 X0 Y0 Z0 H5 I1 ; FSRs with JohnSL board Z probe behaves as a switch and is not used for homing any axes
G31 X0 Y0 Z -0.14 P500 ; MUST READ: http://www.sublimelayers.com/2017/05/fdffsd.html Z-0.135T0 ; Select tool 0, the hot end
M501 ; Load config-override.g