@dc42 Either i was looking at another page or something changed. I checked again the article
and i can no longer see the text saying i need to add a pulldown resistor. Also i saw on a post about adding a diode. This is not mentioned in the wiki. Is it needed or not?
So do i need a pulldown resistor or a relay as mentioned above? Or can i connect the 6-36v inductive sensor directly to duet and especially on the z probe sensor?
Can you please provide some diagram to what i need to connect?
Based on the wiring diagram for the v1.04 i see the z probe connector shows z probe in, gnd, z probe mod, +3.3V.
My inductive sensor model(LJ12A3-4-Z/EX) with blue, brown and black wires. Normally this would be
Brown 24vdc+, Blue 24vdc-, and black is signal.
So i need to connect the black(signal) to the z probe IN pin. Blue(-) to GND on always on fans and brown(+) on V_Fan on always on fans? Or do the + and - cables connect somewhere else? Can the always on fans take this config by default or do i need to change some jumper or something?
Is the correct wiring as shown in this image?
I have read this thread but my conclusion to what the right way is, is not clear. (https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/6779/pnp-inductive-sensor-and-wiring/18)