This worked!!!
Used M557 X45:282 Y46:254 P3:3
Ran G29; no error and below is heatmap
I like to thank everyone that was helping me.
This worked!!!
Used M557 X45:282 Y46:254 P3:3
Ran G29; no error and below is heatmap
I like to thank everyone that was helping me.
Magnet bed; numbers I found for others using 713 mag bed to avoid the mags when probing for railcore II.
This worked!!!
Used M557 X45:282 Y46:254 P3:3
Ran G29; no error and below is heatmap
I like to thank everyone that was helping me.
Talking about Duet Web Control? If so Duet Web Control 2.0.7
I put changes in config.user.g config.g says Do NOT make changes here and to modify config.user
Board: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later + DueX5
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 2.05.1 (2020-02-09b1)
Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.23
This is my M557 X45:282 Y46:254 P2:2 S240 S240; what should it look like for 150,150 (I just starting to lean rrf; from marlin and not expert in that either)
Did you steps; confirm no heatmap seen. ran g28 than g29; same error. Heatmap looks the same
That's when g29 worked.. Now I getting "Warning: the height map has a substantial Z offset. Suggest use Z-probe to establish Z=0 datum, then re-probe the mesh."
I should have mention from the start; that g29 was working fine but my bed level on corners were off little. From pic when it was working
I centered my rails and re-aligned the Zs and re-ran bed level only. The bed was flat. .003 dev after that. then I did the offset procedure. That's when this mess started. Sorry not stating this from beginning. What I get for trying for perfect LOL.
I run home all
Then level with probe (it does bed leveling and g29). Tried doing level. home z then g29 same problem. 2_TrueLevel_Then_Probe.g. Also tried just homing the g29 no joy.