Magnet bed; numbers I found for others using 713 mag bed to avoid the mags when probing for railcore II.

Posts made by harlock328
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
This worked!!!
Used M557 X45:282 Y46:254 P3:3
Ran G29; no error and below is heatmap
I like to thank everyone that was helping me.
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
Talking about Duet Web Control? If so Duet Web Control 2.0.7 -
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
I put changes in config.user.g config.g says Do NOT make changes here and to modify config.userBoard: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later + DueX5
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 2.05.1 (2020-02-09b1)
Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.23 -
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
This is my M557 X45:282 Y46:254 P2:2 S240 S240; what should it look like for 150,150 (I just starting to lean rrf; from marlin and not expert in that either) -
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
Did you steps; confirm no heatmap seen. ran g28 than g29; same error. Heatmap looks the same
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
That's when g29 worked.. Now I getting "Warning: the height map has a substantial Z offset. Suggest use Z-probe to establish Z=0 datum, then re-probe the mesh." -
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
I should have mention from the start; that g29 was working fine but my bed level on corners were off little. From pic when it was working
I centered my rails and re-aligned the Zs and re-ran bed level only. The bed was flat. .003 dev after that. then I did the offset procedure. That's when this mess started. Sorry not stating this from beginning. What I get for trying for perfect LOL. -
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
I run home all
Then level with probe (it does bed leveling and g29). Tried doing level. home z then g29 same problem. 2_TrueLevel_Then_Probe.g. Also tried just homing the g29 no joy. -
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
;File : homez.g
;Effect : does a 2-stage Z-homing. Once quickly to bring the bed up from a long distance quickly, then again slower for better accuracy.
;Use-case : the machine may be Z-homed from any position at a reasonable pace, without resorting to dangerous options such as M564 H0 - while still retaining accuracy of the final probe.G91 G1 Z5 F1000 S2 ; lift z so we don't crash
G90 G1 X150 Y150 F6000 ; Move to the center of the bed; M558 Fxxx sets the probing speed.
; Probe rapidly to get us in the right ballpark.
; This brings the bed up quickly but may be less accurate.
M558 F300
G30; Probe again slowly for precision
M558 F100
G30 -
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
@engikeneer said in G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset:
@harlock328 You don't have a G29 command in your config do you?
I'd suggest uploading your config.g, and homing files so we can see what's going on. Might also be worth showing a picture of the heightmap in case there's anything weird there.
You say you levelled the bed, but are you using auto-tramming (/independent Z motors)? If so, did you run this between homing and your G29? Also upload your bed.g file. if not, ignore
I'm also confused by 'config.user' the file to edit should be config.g. Is that a typo?
Yes it's using 3 z motors. bed level with probe afterwards macro. Config.g has comment at beginning not you change and use config.user for any modifications
G28 X Y
M561 ; Clear bed transforms
G28 Z ; Home Z
G32 ; Level Bed 1
G28 Z ; Home Z
G32 ; Level Bed 2
G28 Z ; Home Z
G32 ; Level Bed 3
G28 Z ; Home Z
G29 ; Probe the bed at X points -
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
Yes I homed it before trying to run G29. -
RE: G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
Board: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later + DueX5
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 2.05.1 (2020-02-09b1)
Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.23 -
G29 failing height map has a substantial Z offset
Have Railcore II. Using BLTouch v3.1.. Leveled my bad (4 points). Zeroed out Z where paper just drags and ran probe point macro. Updated config.user with Z offset that macro showed and rebooted. When I try run g29 I get error "Warning: the height map has a substantial Z offset. Suggest use Z-probe to establish Z=0 datum, then re-probe the mesh." So I must have missed a step or something. Duet/RRF is new to me; coming from Marlin so not sure what I'm doing wrong. To confirm my Z is correct; I lowered nozzle to Z0 and paper was dragging so I know I didn't mess up Z offset. Any help please. Thanks