Thanks David for your quick and usefull reply !
I will do the basic, my skills are more limited in programming than I would do !
Thanks !

Posts made by Hugues
RE: Any chance to use a 400ppr optical encoder
Any chance to use a 400ppr optical encoder
Before I start to design a box for this optical encoder, I wanted to know if it has any chance to work with my duet 2 as a filament motion detector!
It have to be powered in 5v, maybe by the one from the 50 pin expansion. But I don't know if the 400ppr will be understand as signal is at 0.5v, does it work ?
Link to this encoder : !
RE: Leadshine ESD508
Hi DC 42, Pilotltd,
Pitch is close to 2mm so like leadskew pitch, i will re-check all my bed dans redo test !
Thanks for your help !
RE: Leadshine ESD508
- Printer architecture : Core XY, Z driven by 3 leadscrews and 2mm pitch
- Microstepping set in the DUET in Z : 600 in leadshine driver : 1200 pulse/rev (i also tried other combinaison without success)
- Motor current rating 3.4A per phase and set 100% in closeloop and 70% in open loop
Motors are powered by a 48VDC down at 36V (if it helps)
Maybe i've an other clue to give you about this problem : when i tried to activate the bed leveling (after performed a G29) on a print, my printer going into "resonnance" Z motor is making an annoying noise, but don't go in alert mode and continue to move....
RE: Leadshine ESD508
Hello DC42,
Yes the printer works correctly with thick layer (0.4 mm layer heigh) like this pic :
but when i want lower layer heigh, i get this wavy pattern (0.1mm heigh) :
If you've an idea of what can cause this, i would like to know !
Thanks !
Leadshine ESD508
Does someone manage to use hybride servo drive (leadshine ESD 508) with their duetboard ?
I can not setup them to don't have wave on my print unless i use a 0.4 mm layer height...
Any advice ?
RE: Difficulties to setup a mini height sensor board
Ok my duetwifi board is a prototype, pin was not the same….
Difficulties to setup a mini height sensor board
I need your light to get my mini height sensor board work with my duetwifi…. When i power up my printer, the red led on mini board stay on and the value showed is 1000...
I've cheked cables, and continuity, and after few hours spended on wiki and forum i resquest your help !
Thanks for your future reply.
RE: Pressure advance M572 causes overextrusion
Would be interesting if someone could reproduce the problem with the attached .stl in the dropbox folder i posted?
I modeled several other test models which showed no or very minior problems, it looks like this only happens models with variable curves like the tooth in my model. I used an extruder jerk setting of 600 on all models i made photos of.Looks like this problem also occured there:
With lower extruder jerk values his problem was much reduced, which is the same as i discovered.Hi Nuvag,
I never get the solution, i'm sorry. Now i don't use pressure advance but i use kisslicer new version for a similar work.
Best regards,
Hugues -
Storing PID for close/open printer
I would know if it's possible to store PID heater as profile, My printer enclosed can reach 65°c when printing ABS and if autotune the PID when it's hot the model seem to bee inaccurate when my printer is "open" at 24°c.
Maybe i'm doing something wrong when auto-tune but when my printer is on "working ambient temp" with the tune done in situation it's work well !I don't know if it's possible to have something more on the M563
Best regards,
Hugues -
RE: Call for Videos
Some funnies video of my printer running in high speed mode :'ve source files if needed.
Possible test without the board ?
I've some encoder laying arround, is it possible to use them with your firmware ?
RE: Duet3d filament sensor
Great news ! I was looking for this functionality since the begining !
RE: New experimental firmware 1.19beta9
I just update my core xy and i'm unable to get the good order for X and Y, I tried to swap motor connector and i'm still getting my X moving when asking the Y (invert also available..)
I've tried M667 S1 Y-1 but i'm getting same result, what was wrong ?
RE: New experimental firmware 1.19beta9
Hi David,
For corexy user, do you advice to upgrade with this edge ? Is this kinematic change will also correct difficulties to setup a pressure advance setting ?
Hugues -
RE: Pressure advance slowing prints
If it can help you (or not) i have completely stop using this function for what you find and on my setup (core XY with titan) more they were mesh on my segment more i get buggy prints…. -
RE: Is this a good candidate for pressure advance?
Oh, here's a view of the corner, on another test print, where the S value of M572 was at 2.0, and the extruder simply stopped a good 40mm or so from the corner and coasted all the way in, and then simply resumed, with no repriming or anything, as it left that corner to print the line.
I've same issue with pressure advance, i removed this functionality from my setting. I found my issue was related to jerk setting : for this well documented thread, i was not able to do what you do ! I hope it will help David to find the problem.
Best regards,
Hugues -
RE: Over extrusion, pressure advance settings and jerk setting relation
I should not be by default if it's not in you start gcode or config.g but to be sur you can send M572 D0 S0 to disable it.
RE: New installation - consistently overextruding though calibrated
Check if there is M572 somewhere in your start gcode or in your config.g file.