I would like to quickly present a small project that I finally had some time to do over the last few days:
It is a bit similar to the CNC-Pendant-Firmware, but instead of modifying a simple (but still not cheap) CNC pendant, theoretical any USB HID device can be used.
It is based on a Raspberry Pi Pico, easy and cheap to build.
Multiple months ago, when I looked for the pendant that is needed for the CNC-Pendant-Firmware, Amazon suggested me the combination of a cheap wireless numpad and matching CNC-themed key-stickers, which lead to this idea.
At that time I already managed to figure out the basic USB HID part, but had no time to go further.
Later I found the WHB04B-6 wireless USB pendant and recently bought it to motivate myself to do this project.
So at the moment, the cheap numpad (LogiLink ID0120) and the WHB04B-6 pendant are implemented.
Other numpads should work too, but I have filtered for the VID and PID of the LogiLink one. But this can be changed easily in the code.
And other USB HID devices (keyboard, mouses, gamepads, …) should probably be relatively easy to implement as well.
I would be happy if someone would like to try it out and give some feedback.
Though I want to point out that some things might not be implemented in the best way… I'm whether a full-time developer nor an experienced CNC operator 
Any help is welcome!