@Phaedrux dont know what m552 s-1 does but ive dont plenty of toggling on and off with s0 and s1 and m587 ive done and redone after updating it with m997 s1

Posts made by jcwild
RE: duet 2 the wifi only works when plugged into usb
RE: duet 2 the wifi only works when plugged into usb
@dc42 just updated to exactly what you linked and same deal. timing out
RE: duet 2 the wifi only works when plugged into usb
@dc42 ok now where can i find the iap4e file? why are all these files so badly spread out and not just pre compiled into an sd card image?
RE: duet 2 the wifi only works when plugged into usb
@Phaedrux @dc42 just reflashed the wifi and it does the same, just times out again. here are m122 result and config.gm122 result.txt config.g
RE: duet 2 the wifi only works when plugged into usb
@Phaedrux @dc42 well i now unhooked everything else from the board and tried a different sd card and now wifi just times out even when used plugged into usb
RE: duet 2 the wifi only works when plugged into usb
@dc42 is there somewhere i can supply 3.3v rail if its dead? i am using an atx psu so i have it all .
RE: duet 2 the wifi only works when plugged into usb
@dc42 3.3 led brightness doesnt change from either power source
RE: duet 2 the wifi only works when plugged into usb
@Phaedrux years old at this point and i think i got it from filastruder
RE: duet 2 the wifi only works when plugged into usb
@Phaedrux ugh man how tf does stuff like this go bad? i am so sick of these boards. why the hell are they so expensive when they are so fragile like this, i shouldve gone with klipper
RE: duet 2 the wifi only works when plugged into usb
@Phaedrux no not a new board, yes the 5v lights up when powered from psu. no i hooked up everything. also my biqu tft isnt connecting to the board even though it is powered
duet 2 the wifi only works when plugged into usb
my display is a tft and uses 5v and that works but the dwc interface doesnt come up when running from the printers power supply but works and the dwc comes up fine when plugged in
RE: both of my extruder heater outputs are constantly on?
@phaedrux `existing build, all the wiring for the extruder/hotend was re-done, got the board from filastruder a while ago
RE: both of my extruder heater outputs are constantly on?
@phaedrux no this board is dead, ive unhooked everything and same result
RE: both of my extruder heater outputs are constantly on?
@phaedrux Wiring recently went through an overhaul so thats why im not surprised. yes both extruder leds are lit with sd card removed, havent tried with everything unhooked and i cant see anything that looks burnt on the board. I believe i purchased this from filastruder.
RE: both of my extruder heater outputs are constantly on?
@phaedrux well i removed the sd card and both heater indicator lights are still lit. what kind of short would cause this sort of problem? because my config hasnt changed.
both of my extruder heater outputs are constantly on?
noticed my extruder was heating while no temp was commanded and started to diagnose and noticed both e heater leds on the board are constantly lit
RE: changed one line in config and my duet froze and stopped working
@phaedrux chrome and Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 Maestro 3.3 (2021-06-15) and dwc 3.3.0
RE: changed one line in config and my duet froze and stopped working
@jcwild yup just took the sd card out ant the config file is empty, backup was good though
changed one line in config and my duet froze and stopped working
changed max build volume x and y in the config in dwc, then hit save and it asked if i wanted it to reset and i said yes then it went to restart and froze and now no longer works. I refreshed the webpage thinking it was just stuck and then turned around to look at the printer to see the menu on the display and tried interacting with it to discover it frozen. I tried turning it off and back on there was nothing on the display as if there was no menu system. Did the config just get corrupted during an update? duet maestro with 12864 display.