The bed can be adjusted with screws and Z has a stepper. Leveling via a 4 point macro, which doesn't work when I check it with paper. The 2 screws in the front are ok, only at the back both screws are too far away from the nozzle. If I manually level the heightmap comes from above.
4 point macro
M140 S70
M190 S70
M671 x43:214:214:43 y43:43:214:214 P0.7 ; The location of the four bed securing screws
;M558 P0 ; Uncomment this if you don't have a Z Probe
G28 X Y Z ; Home Z
G30 P0 X43 Y43 Z-99999 ; probe near an adjusting screw ; Front left screw
G30 P1 X214 Y43 Z-99999 ; probe near an adjusting screw ; Front right screw
G30 P2 X214 Y214 Z-99999 ; probe near an adjusting screw ; Rear right screw
G30 P3 X43 Y214 Z-99999 S4 ; probe near an adjusting screw ; Rear left screw
G28 Z ; Home Z
;M140 S0
bed mesh
M140 S70
M190 S70
M98 P"homeall.g"
M140 S0