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Best posts made by jml
RE: Constant speed of extra stepper motor. How to?
Yeah you're all right, I would want it synchronized. I guess though that the solution might be more related to the slicing rather than the firmware.
RE: M-Code Request: Send CAN Message
@T3P3Tony No worries, I figured! But I will keep my fingers crossed
RE: DWC autofill annoyance
My preference is to have it only pop up if I press the up arrow - then I could see the historical entries, and hit enter in order to select one. This is basically how Pronterface/Printrun worked and was extremely helpful for me (but it didn't have a popup window - it just autofilled one entry backwards with each arrow press).
RE: Custom splash screen
@monster-delta How fast should the image load? I've added the splash screen, but it takes almost 7 secs to load (starts from the bottom and goes up). And it waits for a few seconds before disappearing.
Is it possible to make it load the image faster? Can I adjust how long the splash screen remains presented after it loads? I don't mind messing around with the firmware.
RE: How to prevent heater faults for disconnected extruders?
@t3p3tony I thought I wasn't, but then checking the g-code, the slicer referenced the unused extruders (setting them to temperature 0). I removed these lines manually and it seems to have fixed it!
RE: Baby step during a long linear move? Baby step other Axes?
@t3p3tony in case I have mounted a tool imperfectly.
RE: I2C Changes?
Its looking like a wiring issue... If I send the command once, the probability of the peripheral device reacting is low. But then if I hold the enter key down so that it is sent a hundred times rapidly, then at some point during that time, the peripheral acts as if it has received the message. These damn cheap jumper wires!
Latest posts made by jml
Get current position in real-time
In Marlin firmware, I could get the current position of an extruder with this function:
y = float(st_get_position(Y_AXIS)/axis_steps_per_unit[Y_AXIS]) ;Is there the same thing in Duet firmware? I would like it to get the current position even if it is in the middle of a straight move. For example, If it is as X0, and it is traveling to X100, then when it triggers a sensor, I would like to know the current position of each time it is triggered during that move.
RE: M-Code Request: Send CAN Message
@T3P3Tony No worries, I figured! But I will keep my fingers crossed
RE: M-Code Request: Send CAN Message
@dc42 Based on your message, it sounds like it could make it into the next build? If so, thanks!
RE: M-Code Request: Send CAN Message
@dc42 I would think 4 would be enough to cover most things. 5 or 6 would be enough for future flexibility. Maybe 256 just to be safe
just kidding.
RE: M-Code Request: Send CAN Message
@dc42 Thanks for the quick replies both of you!
I think M42 is not suitable since I would like to send more than a just a Yes/No or PWM signal. The "User Defined" sounds like its exactly what I'm looking for! I hope its not too difficult to implement.
RE: M-Code Request: Send CAN Message
@T3P3Tony Is there a list of canfd messages I can see? I don't want to have to modify the firmware to send messages, so if I can do it with existing messages, that would be great.
My theoretical external PCB/system on a custom extruder may take various CAN commands to do various things like: activatePump4, setPumpSpeed4, setPump4Duration, stopPump4, activateDAC1, setDAC1voltage, runDAC3VoltageSequence2, startCamera2, setCam2ExposureTime, runMachineVisionAlgorithm7, runValveActivationSequence5, setHumidity, etc
Its useful for things that have already been set up externally outside of the Duet system, working fine, but now I just want the Duet to launch many of those things by just sending a message through CAN.
For Example:
M265 P3:2:444:5:1 ; runs 3rd custom command with parameters 444, 5, and 1
(the 3rd command could be "runPump", the 2 could mean the 2nd pump, 444 means the speed, 5 is duration, etc)Or as a more extreme example, maybe I have a multi-channel DAC that needs to output a sinusoidal wave from its 2nd output at 10 Hz for 4 seconds with a 5V amplitude, then at 4 Hz for 1 second at 2V amplitude. And the needs might change from print to print because I am experimenting. It would be nice to be able to just write these two lines to do it:
M265 P8:2:10:4:5 ; activate DAC, channel 2, 10Hz, 4 sec duration, 5V amplitude
M265 P8:2:4:1:2 ; activate DAC, channel 2, 4 Hz, 1 sec duration, 2V amplitudeLet me know if you have any ideas on how to do this without existing CAN messages. If not, it would be great to have an M265. I imagine this would be very useful for research labs developing new kinds of 3D printers or doing 3D printing related research.
RE: Where is candevice.h ?
@jml nevermind - I had to sign in in order for github to show Code results. Thanks!
(is there a way to mark this post solved?) -
RE: Where is candevice.h ?
@Falcounet Thank you for finding it! Can you teach me how to do the search? When I do it, github cannot find SendMessage or CanDevice.h.
This is what I search:
org:Duet3D SendMessage
org:Duet3D CanDevice.h -
M-Code Request: Send CAN Message
Similar to how M260 exists for sending data over I2C, it would be great to have a similar command for CAN-FD.
That would allow me to create a separate PCB to take care of some other things independently. Like an exotic extruder with some kind of custom functionality.
RE: Where is candevice.h ?
CanDevice.h I still cannot find. But I found this:
which includes the CanId and the CanMessageFormats, but still can't find CanDevice.h