hi should be fixed I switched to version 3.4 beta 3, seems not to do the problem anymore

Best posts made by massimilianoconti
RE: home problem for duet wifi 1.04c firmware 3.4 beta2
RE: error zoffset for bl touch and duet3 firmware 3.4 beta 7+1
Firmware 3.4 beta 7+7 solved the heater problem when starting a new print. the heater is fine part good also the bl touch seems to be fine. I do further tests and communicate news
Latest posts made by massimilianoconti
RE: firmware 3.4 Rc1 Heater Fault
hello as soon as I have the data I attach them. I wanted to know what compiler you need to open the source code to change the firmware... from the asset I downloaded in zip the purge code but you need a compiler ...
RE: no filament discharge charge 3.4RC1
I know thanks does not respond well the command compared to before now they are both activated simultaneously. there is something wrong. if I go from the dual panel it works for example but we will see thanks. I did not quite understand if the developer of the firmware is only Mr. Dozuki or beyond people.
RE: no filament discharge charge 3.4RC1
I'm not an expert I'm just an electrical engineer but personally I face a project with this logic keeping the fundamental hinges 100% additional things instead in the background such as not to create malfunctions to the rest
RE: firmware 3.4 Rc1 Heater Fault
you have the silicone socks I'm reviewing everything as soon as I perform a new test I attach it
no filament discharge charge 3.4RC1
serious problem when activating the extruder to load or download filament, in dweb controll do not activate the speed keys and millimeters see figure. I repeat it is useless to add a thousand news if then the heart of the firmware is not good and always lacks something fundamental. doing so does not appear serious and reliable. I would make a software working 100% for its fundamental features then comes the rest, being careful not to unbalance everything.
duet 3 v1.01
firmware 3.4 RC1
RE: firmware 3.4 Rc1 Heater Fault
my hot end is Phaetus dragonfly bmsBMSÕ«×Õ+⵿íÕ×ï.stl BMS Wireframes (7).pdf
RE: firmware 3.4 Rc1 Heater Fault
10/2/2022, 13:29:16 Warning: heater behaviour was not consistent during tuning
Auto tuning heater 1 completed after 3 idle and 50 tuning cycles in 2520 seconds. This heater needs the following M307 command:
M307 H1 R2.558 K0.275:0.103 D6.31 E1.35 S1.00 B0 V23.9
Send M500 to save this command in config-override.g
10/2/2022, 13:05:33 Warning: heater behaviour was not consistent during tuning
Auto tune starting phase 4, measuring with fan on -
RE: firmware 3.4 Rc1 Heater Fault
when I start tuning takes too long something in the algorithm must be changed. if I put 3 as hysteresis comes to completion for example. something needs to be changed in the tuning procedure. my hotend is geometrically excellent, it is designed to perform every temperature and material