@Danal I'm sorri, I never use Sublime Text...could you please tell me step by step what i have to do?

Posts made by Mauxx
RE: Simplify3D settings
RE: Simplify3D settings
@Danal ok, I would like to follow your advice, how i can set the Simplify3D
RE: Simplify3D settings
@Danal in S3D i set {REPLACE"G1""G0"} -
Seems work properly, i wonder if change G1 in G0 could it cause any problems between print and travel speeds, or other problems? -
RE: Simplify3D settings
@Danal on my Scara printer I have the 800X800 plane with zero in the center, the distal arm can turn like the Helios
the problem is that it turns only with G0 to move from one object to another (in this way it works correctly) while with G1 in moving from one object to another it creates problems -
Simplify3D settings
I wonder how i can "tell" to Simplify3D that in case of several objects on the plane, transform the G1 into G0 only of the travel from one object to another
Thank you in advance
RE: Firmware 2.05RC1 released
Now my Scara work properly
Thank you very much @dc42 !!! -
RE: Scara Problem
@dc42 I was wondering if when you fix the error in the next release, my scara will work like the helios, which manages to reverse the distal arm (like in this video at 0:51 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_FVnIYND4Y ) it would be really cool!!!
RE: Scara Problem
@dc42 Thank you very much David @Danal and @JoergS5 , I followed your advice and set the angles of the Distal B-31: 149 arm (not B-149: 31 because I have Ymax Endstop) and now it works perfectly !!!
RE: Scara Problem
soon I will buy duet wifi or ethernet
thank you all for your support
I really hope you can fix this issue, because the firmware is really cool !!!@dc42 if you can check it on your Scara, all you have to do is print 3 cubes, one of which must be on the central axis of the print bed
RE: Scara Problem
I still don't know if I'll build a parallel scara,
howerver i see @dc42 Scara printer, maybe he can tell us if everything work good? -
RE: Scara Problem
if you tell me that with duet there's no issues, i trust you -
RE: Scara Problem
So with a Duet Board i will solve this problem? Great!!!
Which board do you suggest? -
RE: Scara Problem
@JoergS5 Thank you very much!!!
for the moment I own Skr Board but am willing to buy a Duet
I just wanted to verify that everything worked properly
I practically tried all the firmware (marlin, smoothie) and RRF is the best !!! -
RE: Scara Problem
When i start print, instead a cube (only in central area) it draw a triangle (half cube)
RE: Scara Problem
Scara give same issue also with Arduino IDE and with RepetierHost draw a Triangle...
I'm sure the belt doesn't slip, i have GT2 toothed Belt
I'm using RRF Lpc on Skr V.1.3 board
When printer draw arc Y motor doesn't move at all
RE: Scara Problem
it's really very strange
thank you all for your help!!! -
RE: Scara Problem
@JoergS5 Yes, max angle is physical limit
Sorry for my bad english...