Trying to post a help request but I keep getting a little pop up with forbidden. Is it me that's forbidden or what I'm trying to do?

Best posts made by MightyRaith
Having trouble making help request
RE: Having trouble making help request
@jay_s_uk Just joined up getting a bit late here but when I finish work tomorrow I'll be able to have more of a good look at the discord chan. Also thread suddenly decided to post there not sure what changed but hey ho.
Latest posts made by MightyRaith
RE: Ender 5 - CR-Touch on Duet Mini 3 5+
@Macgyver How did you resolve that did you have to use the gnd pin on a nearby IO for the other earth?
Ender 5 - CR-Touch on Duet Mini 3 5+
I cannot for the life of me get the CR-Touch to work with my Duet Mini 3 5+ When the printer is turned on the probe does NOT self check but flashes red - Reset probe macro does reset the probe to a purple light.
Using deployprobe.g causes it to revert to red flashing
Once in a blue moon I am able to use the deploy and retract macros to move the probe but only for a few mins and then it goes back to flashing red.
Ender 5 Pro
RepRapFirmware 3.3
Updated web controls 3.3
Duet 3 Mini 5+
Direct-Drive Extruder
(Not my image but wires are in same order this was just better pic than I had taken)
RE: Having trouble making help request
@jay_s_uk Just joined up getting a bit late here but when I finish work tomorrow I'll be able to have more of a good look at the discord chan. Also thread suddenly decided to post there not sure what changed but hey ho.
Z Trigger Height / Z offset - I don't get it
After a small accident with my BTT SKR Mini E3 board where I accidently burnt out a mosfet I decided to try embracing the world of RepRap I have managed to get the setup to the point where I can print but I'm having huge issues with the Z height.
Coming from Marlin I was initially a bit confused as to Z Offset and how this works in RepRap the problem I am having is no matter how many times I try guides such as]When I start a print I always have to start rapidly baby stepping the Z offset.
I'm still not convinced I really understand Z Trigger height and if I still need a Z offset? Also my trigger height seems to be higher than what the guides seem to suggest mines comes up as approx 3mm
I have mild Aspergers so sometimes I cannot see the obvious so please do not worry about offending me I'm quite happy having anything explained to me as you would a child lol - If anyone has good Ender 5 configs I can pinch I'd be very grateful or any suggestions as to the many mistakes I've no doubt made!
Printer:: Creality Ender 5 Pro (Cartesian)
Mainboard: BTT Mini SKR RRF
Hotend: E3D Hemera
Firmware: Duet Web Control 3.3.0-rc3 -
RE: Having trouble making help request
@jay_s_uk It does I only added the tag to see if the lack of one was what it was objecting to
Having trouble making help request
Trying to post a help request but I keep getting a little pop up with forbidden. Is it me that's forbidden or what I'm trying to do?
RE: Extruder Heater Issue
@xtarr The advise re the PID tune is definately worth looking into for sure.
RE: Duet Wifi/Duex5 bed compensation
@macgyver Glad you got it all sorted