Dear Jacksat
Very nice build !!!!! I also thought of using a much bigger airpump , but the cost is fairly steep
, after all the testing I did , using compressed air is best for small parts as for biger parts the fans work beter of course it depends how much air you have available
, during my testing i managed to use both and that gives really nice result , quick cooling near the nozzle and even cooling on the rest of the part .
I really like you water cooling , you have a much heavier build then me , I used the same material as the ultimaker 2 to build my printer , it s a much lighter build ,
Do do have an idea how much extra weight it adds on the head ? And do you get resonance to the frame from those big fans from the cooling bloque ?
I am asking cause for my build i opted for to have as light as possible heads since I use belt drives that is the reason I added the magnetic tool change in the 1st place , after tying many printer from my friend and so I figured out that ultimaker got very nice and repeatable prints , I figured that one of the reasons is the lightnest of the axes and head
I am not sure but from ur pictures looks like I using like a buildtalk on you table , I am wondering how good is the result with the dc42 ir prob ? I am using the prob and got a buildtalk plate but have not tried it yet 
Best regards