Fixed it. Was as simple as adding the tool 2 on the duetpanelcontrol. It disappears after a reset but now I can see the temperature of the sensor without problems thanks!

Posts made by Neotko
RE: Show E0 thermistor & bed/hotend pt100
Show E0 thermistor & bed/hotend pt100
I use pt100 for bed and e0 but I want to see the temperature of a NTC3950
Ofc I can make it work setting it as P0 or P1 but that hides the bed or the e0 temperature.
What I want it’s to see on the control the e0 (doing temperature analysis of a new hotend heatsink).
M305 P0 X200 R400
M305 P1 X201 R400M305 P2 T100000 B3950 R4700 X1 ;?
If I do this why I can’t see it as a new sensor? It’s because there’s no heater connected to this P2? How can I make it show it to me on the panel? I did google and check the wiki but didn’t found a way to force it. Thanks for your time!! (if I set thr P2 as P0/P1 I can see it but as said before I want to keep the pt100 bed heater on while testing the readings)
RE: How to remove new Duet Web Control 2.0 and revert to 1.2x?
Ok now, replaced the index with the gz un compressed, replaced the htm and html index gz with the reprap gz. Everything back to 1.22
Thanks for the guidance!
RE: How to remove new Duet Web Control 2.0 and revert to 1.2x?
Indeed cleaned all caches since that was my first thought, also tested incognito to be sure like you suggested.
Don’t know, I did replace the index, both gz index files htm and html and still shows the new 2.0 I will have to dig later to see from where is loading the 2.x
RE: How to remove new Duet Web Control 2.0 and revert to 1.2x?
I just tried that without any effect... I will have to push this. I just prefer the base ip to have the control I use on all the other machines. I see a lot of work done, but it has too many screens goes and outs, old version just works fine for me and I know there’s a customizable something out there but much work and no time to play makes me prefer just what works
How to remove new Duet Web Control 2.0 and revert to 1.2x?
Hi, I know that there's a button to 'revert' that just sends to the 1.22 reprap.html
How can I 'truly' revert to 1.22, it's an added time to go from 2.x to click 1.22 and get back to production.
I suppose editing the sd card html and remove the index with the reprap.html ? Just asking to be sure I don't screw stuff
Disable the interpolation only on the extruder?
I want to disable the interpolation only on the extruder and on the wiki it says
"Inn Enable (nn=1) or disable (nn=0) microstep interpolation mode for the specified drivers, if they support it. "So I assume this would do?
M350 E16 I0 ; Disable interpolation on extruder
M350 X16 Y16 Z16 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation for XYZIs this possible or it's an all on/off trigger?
RE: Semi Automated Pause - Coldpull to change color
I forgot to post the video showing how it works
Indeed my main use for this it's to launch prints and when I get back be ready to just pull the filament and insert a new one without the need to purge, hot, cold, coldpull one by one. So when I get back to the printer I can be sure (so far only failed once of 24 times) that when I need to resume the print I will waste as little time as possible doing manual operations.
When I insert a new filament I do a purge but just to be sure the filament sticks to the bed instead of staying on the nozzle, since it's directdrive I could avoid the purge, but anyhow I need to be sure that the new filament goes through the hot zone, so it's hard to avoid that part.
The other reason to do this and not just purge, let's say, 50-80mm of new color to get the new color, it's that in my experience without a coldpull you don't really remove the previous color fully, and I work with many pastel colors where a small spot can ruin the whole print.
Semi Automated Pause - Coldpull to change color
I do a lot of production and using Pause to change color was always a pain and no use for large productions or non casual prints so this week started to test the idea of using the nice pause.g and resume.g to make the process as painless as possible.
For this, first I had to find the perfect momento to pause on the gcode. I use Skirt with 12 layers (the same amount of layers for the Pause layer) with 5mm distance and 2 Skirt Outlines (but I suppose for really tall prints it might be better to use 3).
Then I do a search on the gcode (mind I use S3D) of the last "; skirt" Then I find something like this:
; skirt
G1 X98.056 Y59.801 F10800
G1 Z2.480 F1500
G1 E0.0000 F1500
G92 E0
G1 X99.094 Y59.554 E0.0355 F4200
G1 X99.106 Y59.551 E0.0359Being that last G1 the beginning of the Skirt Print
So I ADD the M25 to do a Pause
; skirt
G1 X98.056 Y59.801 F10800
G1 Z2.480 F1500
G1 E0.0000 F1500
G92 E0
G1 X99.094 Y59.554 E0.0355 F4200
M25 ; Pause REPEAT Speed of previous line on next so it knows what speed to resume
G1 X99.106 Y59.551 E0.0359 F4200 ; ADDED F4200 HEREDoing this I can be sure that the extruder was on top of the Skirt before doing the pause, so if the filament Strings it won't dirt my print.
Then the rest it's on the Duet3D macros.
I edited my pause.g to work like this:
; pause.g
; called when a print from SD card is paused
M83 ; relative extruder moves
G1 E-3 F3600 ; retract 10mm of filament
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 Z5 F360 ; lift Z by 5mm
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X15 Y15 F10000 ; go to X=15 Y=15
M104 S120 T0 ; Sets to a generic LOW TEMP before calling PLAColdpull Macro
G1 E5 F1600 ; Keeps pressure FAST Initial recovers from retract also
M98 Preversecowmilking.g ; Calls the COLDPULL macroThis is what I do on Resume.g
; resume.g
; called before a print from SD card is resumed
M104 S225 T0 ; Sets general Print temp for PLA
M109 S225 T0 ; Waits until it reaches 225 for PLA
M83 ; relative extruder moves
G1 E5 F100 ; Purgues 5mm where it was paused slow to realign gears
G1 E5 F300 ; Purgues 5mm where it was paused normal
G1 E-1 F2000 ; retracts 1mm before moving to resumed position
G1 R1 Z1 F6000 ; go to 5mm above position of the last print move
G1 R1 ; go back to the last print move
M83 ; relative extruder movesAnd This is my ReverseCowMilking Macro (automated Coldpull) I add this macro on the SYSTEM area, otherwise I wasn't able to call it but I'm using an old 1.20RC3 version of the firmware so probably just an old bug
; Semi automated coldpull for PLAM106 S200 ; SET FANS UP
G10 P0 R70 S70
G4 S35 ; Wait 35 secs so the temperature reaches 160-170 if was a 225
M302 P1 ; ALLOW COLD EXTRUSIONS just in case
G1 E2 F15 ; Push 2mm slow to keep pressure at semi able temperature
M106 S0 ; SET FANS OFFG4 S5 ; wait for internal temperature to stabilize along filament
; starts milking the cow movementG1 E-0.3 F100 ; retracts 0.3mm
G1 E0.1 F2000 ; reajusts 0.1mm - total 0.2
M18 E0 ; Unlocks feeder
G4 P500 ; half a sec to allow filament tension to recover & avoid grindingG1 E-0.3 F100 ; retracts 0.3mm
G1 E0.1 F2000 ; reajusts 0.1mm - total 0.4
M18 E0 ; Unlocks feeder
G4 P500 ; half a sec to allow filament tension to recover & avoid grindingG1 E-0.3 F100 ; retracts 0.3mm
G1 E0.1 F2000 ; reajusts 0.1mm - total 0.6
M18 E0 ; Unlocks feeder
G4 P500 ; half a sec to allow filament tension to recover & avoid grindingG1 E-0.3 F100 ; retracts 0.3mm
G1 E0.1 F2000 ; reajusts 0.1mm - total 0.8 - Enough to dislock filament from hotend
M18 E0 ; Unlocks feeder
G4 P500 ; half a sec to allow filament tension to recover & avoid grindingG1 E-10 F50 ; retracts 10mm SLOW - To avoid breaking if bond if weak
M18 E0 ; Unlocks feeder
G4 P500 ; half a sec to allow filament tension to recoverG1 E-20 F800 ; retracts 20mm medium speed - Should keep integrity
M18 E0 ; Unlocks feeder
G4 P500 ; half a sec to allow filament tension to recoverG1 E-30 F2000 ; retracts 30mm fast - Should be able
M18 E0 ; Unlocks feeder
G4 P500 ; half a sec to allow filament tension to recover;G1 E-30 F2000 ; retracts 30mm
;M18 E0 ; Unlocks feeder
;G4 P500 ; half a sec to allow filament tension to recoverM302 P0 ; DONT ALLOW COLD EXTRUSIONS
I use directdrive with zge extruder, so the force, speed of the coldpull and timing should be totally different for bowden.
I release the feeder constantly to allow the filament natural elasticity to go back so I can avoid grinding the filament
I use Bondtech drivegears, so the filament grip it's perfect at all times.
Macro comments might not be accurate because I been adjusting this many times until I was able to achieve enough repeatability on my 3 printers.
RE: Adjust temperature from one printer to another
@dc42 very interesting! Was thinking about touching that but wasn’t sure how works. I have 3 wire pt100s
RE: Adjust temperature from one printer to another
I use a tempilstik 1% margin of error. I rub it on the same place on the 3 printers and I can literally see at which point each hotend reach the temperature. Since I don’t mind that the value is different than reality is ok, what I want is to adjust the 3 printers so they reach the point at the same time. Mind that ofc the 3 printers use the same heaters and sensors and hotends (um2 olsson block).
Adjust temperature from one printer to another
I have 3 duet3d all with pt100. I been testing the real temperature because I saw differences on each printer. Using a tempestik of 220C I was able to see a 10-12C difference from A-B-C printer.
I would like to know if it’s possible to calibrate or readjust the temperature table. This way I would increase the print repetition and will remove the manual adjustments. Mind that I do much print repetition for my shop so repetition is key for me, and even 8C can change the gloss and finish of very small details. (This is critical for me)
RE: Concurrent gcode processing
This is something for the generation 3 Duets, because it needs more RAM than the current generation has and an RTOS. I already have plans for the next-generation firmware to read multiple streams of GCode from SD files at once.
Could it be done atm by assigning all the heads to a color mix mode, and instead of changing the tool, pushing a % ratio of the second, third or fourth color/material? Since for the e3d setup there’s no motion attached to the head but is a parking system if the wipe is fixed a-la bcn3dsigma as long as you can send a gcode to push 2/3/4 purge it would be already be purging (that’s the slowest part along heat/cooling). But for heat/cooling Cura already has a nice code to preheat before use, so mostly the remaining thing is just the purge.
Ofc multi gcode streams could be really nice, specially if the machine doesn’t ise a park system, but maybe (atm) is a bit overkill.
The only issue I see on my % theory is that the gcode will force the purge speed. But maybe that could be separated somehow, like just sending a G0 Purge&DontwaitToolX ?
RE: Bad firmware retractions using Simplify3D and M101/M102/M103
Thanks for this information. Perhaps you should ask S3D to support G10/G11 retraction like every other slicer does.
Well I have to disagree with this gcode. Retractions without moves force stationary moves, unless the firmware does something magic with this.
S3D does retractions mostly (if enabled) while doing a move (wipe while retracting) etcetc. Also you already set the filament size on s3d so using a g10/g11 doesn’t do much.
About s3d team implementing this I’m 99.99% that they will never do it, I been hearing people asking for this since the um2 uses that g10/g11 and even um has move to simple extrude/retract moves to enable retractions while moving to kill stationary blops for um3.
About the poster issue. Mind that if you have wipe while retract the way it works is different. Also the amount of Tool change retractions affects directly to what happens from printing A process to B. S3D thinks of processes as different prints and if the tool change isn’t the same as the main page of retractions/speed the toolchange kicks in between processes and changes the retraction amount. S3D has quite a lot of settings that sometimes when mixed can mess stuff
RE: DuetWifi for MAC OS
You can use Pronterface, no problem. Even if you have lower case characters you just need to lead them with a single quote (apostrophe) and it will not convert them to uppercase…
PassWORD would be: P'a's'sWORD
This really works? I would love that to be added to the wiki if so. But like others said I also did use pronterface and the macro instructions of the wiki to set the password. Was quite painless
RE: Pop gcode last status on www duetcontrol, can it be removed?
If the same message keeps appearing, that usually means that you had another device connected to the Duet via the network and you didn't disconnect it before turning it off.
Anyhow it could be interesting (for me XD) to have this removable for future options. On the iPhone is quite annoying to just change the fan since it’s at the end of the screen, you change, pops, then you need to wait or press the x, then you can finally adjust the fan then it pops…
I think is nice to have a last print status with print time etc (really nice btw) but also I would be ok with this info not popping up and just staying on the gcode console log. Or just one option to choose? Not mission critical indeed hahahaha anyway thanks! Duet3D rocks!
Pop gcode last status on www duetcontrol, can it be removed?
Everytime I change temperature or fan, or something this pops, and it's a bit annoying since it takes 2 secs to disappear and the close button is small (on iphone specially)
Is there any option to remove this? Cleaning the gcode console doesn't affect this, I need to force emergency shutdown to remove it
I'm currently using:
Firmware Version: 1.20 (2017-12-23)
WiFi Server Version: 1.20
Web Interface Version: 1.20-RC3 -
RE: New experimental firmware 1.20beta6
Any link or extra info about 3wire pt100 on this beta?
RE: Firmware 1.19RC5 released - last chance to report issues
Weird and weird. Changing to channel 6, rather than the auto made a huge difference. Will keep testing but seems that that’s. Ofc I did test resetting the router before changing that.
The weird part imo is that before 1.19 was working ok.
Anyway very glad with the update the webcontrol 1.19 works much faster.