i have
[c]T0 ; select tool 0[/c]
at the gcode file header. firmware is the latest 1.18.1

Posts made by njjn2020
RE: The firmware doesn't wait for the temperature to drop
RE: The firmware doesn't wait for the temperature to drop
i have M116 issue too.
in my gcode there is a part
[c]M104 S205
M109 S205
[/c]but duetwifi does not wait for temperature to raise to 205 and continues to print…
what is a way to command printer to "wait for temperature 205. continue printing when 205 reached" ? -
Multicolor print with single extruder
i need some strategical help: i have delta printer with single extruder.
there is a need to print first layer with 2 colors.
my item is rectangle with some letters on it.rectangle is one color. font - another. option to print rectangle and print font on the top does not work in this case.
i have created rectangle with "holes" for letters
and i separately have letters.i can not figure out how to combine all this in the slicer, so that it would first print letters, i change filament and
print the rest.many thanks!
Split (relocate) macro buttons
I suggest to move "Edit" and "Delete" buttons to right side of screen (after "Last modified" column)
Suggested elements (columns) order in macro page
1. Play (run)
2. macro name (file name)
3. Size
4. Last modified time
5. edit
6. deletethis will improve usability
RE: Easy re-calibration after nozzle change
Well, i have created 3-step macro and it works. For convinience i created a folder called Nozzle change
I wonder, if it is possible to wait for an "anykey" within macros? than i can combine steps 2 and 3.David, maybe this can be included in your factory settings in a separate folder.
Step 1
;================================================= ; Nozzle change macro 1/3 ;================================================= ;source article https://duet3d.com/wiki/Calibrating_a_delta_printer M561 ; disable mesh compensation M208 S1 Z-3 ; temporarily allow Z moves down to Z=-3mm M564 S0 ; to allow movement lower than where the firmware thinks Z=0 M117 Please manually lower head to a paper height
Step 2
;================================================= ; Nozzle change macro 2/3 ;================================================= G92 Z0 ; define that height as Z=0 G1 Z15 ; Command the nozzle up 15mm M117 Please attach Z-probe
Step 3
;================================================= ; Nozzle change macro 3/3 ;================================================= G30 S-1 ; probe the bed without resetting the Z=0 position M500 ; store results M117 Complete
Easy re-calibration after nozzle change
i faced an issue of "too many steps" after i change nozzle.
because nozzles are different in size - each time it is changed i need to
re-calibrate whole system
10 steps "Measuring the trigger height"
than manually edit config-override.gis there a faster way to do the change?
also i have seen some discussion on tool change but did not find solution there .
many thanks!
RE: Duet3D PCB delta printer effector sneak preview
Just wanted to stop in and say this is looking fabulous. I've been looking for a solution to house multiple tool heads with quick disconnects and this looks perfect for that.
A couple of features I'd really like to see:
1. A single connector on the back that can be universal for all the different tool heads (hot end, laser, cnc, touch probe, etc)
2. That single connector is a magnet style both for safety and for a quick change.
3. I'd like for the rods to carry current either for the connections needed (there are 6 connectors) or for fault-tolerant break detection.
4. a purple color from osh?Again really good work and thanks for sharing. If there's a beta or early product tester program sign me up.
i vote for magnetic quick change too. as for connector - if i change tool, how than board will differentiate which tool is connected?
if it does then firmware may automatically adapt for the tool. -
RE: Problem with thermistors
I intend to document how to retrofit a self-resetting polyfuse as implemented on the new 1.02 PCB revision, but it may be several days before I can do this.
David, what is causing this issue? thermistor? than i would like to protect my DuetWiFi board from failure and solder in a self -recovering fuse in thermistor wiring.
What voltage \ amps (or wattage) fuse should be used?or it is faulty hot end?
Link in web interface to Duet3d forum
link in web interface to Duet3d forum
RE: Auto Home and Power Down after canceled print?
thanks! is there a list of other files that might be of use?
RE: Auto Home and Power Down after canceled print?
David, which macro is called when print is cancelled ?
RE: Heater Error.
solution is in this forum here -> https://www.duet3d.com/forum/thread.php?pid=14276#p14276
RE: Need help tuning temperature
David, thanks for input.
With M303 H1 S200 it (at least) completed calibration.
Log is below. However it says that temperature might reach as high as 855
should i keep results or do some other calibration?what would you recommend?
many thanks!
[[language]] 23:20:37 M500 23:20:26 M307 H1 Heater 1 model: gain 835.7, time constant 208.1, dead time 17.0, max PWM 1.00, mode: PID Computed PID parameters for setpoint change: P2.6, I0.013, D31.1 Computed PID parameters for load change: P2.6, I0.072, D31.1 23:15:58 Warning: Heater 1 appears to be over-powered and a fire risk! If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 855C. Auto tune heater 1 completed in 283 sec Use M307 H1 to see the result, or M500 to save the result in config-override.g Heater 1 switched off 23:12:46 Auto tune phase 3, peak temperature was 225.0 23:12:26 Auto tune phase 2, heater off 23:11:20 Auto tune phase 1, heater on 23:11:14 M303 H1 S200 Auto tuning heater 1 using target temperature 200.0C and PWM 1.00 - do not leave printer unattended 22:53:01 Connection established!
RE: Heater Error.
i made a PDF with screenshot.
https://1drv.ms/b/s!AhtLyZEPcjv9_GNtn-CM1EyRmnREand link to .gcode file
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhtLyZEPcjv9_Fhyuk9SPmn5IX_s -
Slicing issue: poor intermediary “top” layer
Slicing issue: poor intermediary “top” layer
I am printing filament stand. This object has several horizontal surfaces. Only top onу one has good quality. Visible horizontal surfaces that are in the middle are very bad. (see picture) on the right rail i removed top layer by hand
I understand that are some settings in slic3r but cannot figure what exactly it is.
Please advise what parameter should be changed.Many thanks!
Philip -
RE: Help to configure order
placed an order. thank you from fantastic support!
RE: Help to configure order
thanks for answers.
please help me to fix login issue for shopping.