Thanks @Veti, that is really cheap, the shipping costs more than the part!
- David
Thanks @Veti, that is really cheap, the shipping costs more than the part!
Hi All,
I'm new to the forum and the Duet systems. I've taken my Ender 5 Pro and have turned it into a kind of working project. Moving to a Duet 3 was the first stage.
After some help from several people on this forum I now have a functional printer. It looks like a complete mess, but that will be sorted out in time.
After this step my next goals were to add some form of bed leveling and a second z stepper (which you can see in a prototype stage at the front in the image). I've wired them up already and done some testing with the BLTouch. The additional z stepper is just rubber banded to the frame until I print out some connector parts. The green connector plate is just hanging in space so I could make sure it lined up with the bed leveling screws. I have to say it's pretty cool to see it moving completely in sync with the main bed.
I've also ordered a new extruder hot-end that should be here in a couple weeks and then there are other bigger changes down the line like increasing the dimensions, moving to linear rails, creating an enclosure, running a mains powered heated bed and an additional z stepper for auto bed leveling. I'm sure there will be more that I haven't thought of yet.
So far, I found the Duet 3 extremely easy to work with. The whole setup with RepRap firmware is very easy to configure and making changes without having to recompile is a fantastic thing!
I appreciate all the help everyone has given me on the forum so far and I look forward to learning more and hopefully contributing at some point.
@Phaedrux it is the stock bed heater. @Veti's suggestion of doing the PID tuning worked. I'm not sure what the buzzing noise was, but it didn't repeat and the PID tuning went smoothly for but the bed and hot end.
I've now got everything up and running. I just finished setting up a custom printer in Cura and am running a test print now. I'm not expecting miracles on this first pass but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for it to complete so I can figure out where I need to start with tuning parameters.
@Veti I definitely haven't done a PID tune and the error reported is temperature not rising fast enough. I'll go look up PID tuning now. Thanks!
This is my heater section:
; Heaters
M308 S0 P"temp0" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4092 ; configure sensor 0 as thermistor on pin temp0
M950 H0 C"out0" T0 ; create bed heater output on out0 and map it to sensor 0
M307 H0 B0 S1.00 ; disable bang-bang mode for the bed heater and set PWM limit
M140 H0 ; map heated bed to heater 0
M143 H0 S150 ; set temperature limit for heater 0 to 150C
M308 S1 P"temp1" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4092 ; configure sensor 1 as thermistor on pin temp1
M950 H1 C"out1" T1 ; create nozzle heater output on out1 and map it to sensor 1
M307 H1 B0 S1.00 ; disable bang-bang mode for heater and set PWM limit
M143 H1 S275 ; set temperature limit for heater 1 to 275C
As far as I can tell the thermistors are reading correctly and the nozzle does heat up. It's just the bed heater that is buzzing when engaged before it faults.
Hi all, working on revamping my Ender 5 Pro with a Duet 3. Initially I'm just connecting to what is there to get things functional before changing things around. I've got everything functional at this point except for the bed heater.
Based on the documentation this is how I wired it up:
The documentation describes a secondary power source hooked up to OUT 0 POWER IN which I'm assuming is switched at the OUT 0 port. I doubled the connections from the PSU to OUT 0 POWER IN, but something is clearly not right. I tried to bring the bed temperature up to 40C and I heard some buzzing and then I got a fault warning on the bed.
What am I doing wrong here?
Thanks again @Phaedrux for your knowledge. I used the web interface to upload the files and now the home buttons function. I'm wiring every interface one at a time and testing it. I've got everything functional now except for the bed heater wiring. I'll make a separate post for that though.
Thanks again @Phaedrux. It's good to know that I can upload the config files directly through the web interface. That will definitely save me some steps.
I have been through the reprap configuration tool, which is where I got the config.g file I'm working with. The problem I'm facing is that the web interface buttons seem to be looking for files like homex.g in a different location from where they were placed when I originally copied them over. I'll see if uploading directly from the web interface fixes that.
@Phaedrux Thank you! The G92 command allowed me to get past the homing limitation and test one of the steppers. I had the wiring incorrect initially as well, but I've got that worked out now, at least in terms of the steppers moving an appropriate distance. I need to double check the direction it is rotating.
I think after this, the next point of confusion is with some of the RepRap config generated files. I put the Pi's SD card in my computer and copied these to /sys, then moved it back over to the Pi. This seems to have worked for the most part but some things aren't found from the web interface. For example, clicking the home x button responds with it not being able to find the homex.g file. I assume it is looking for it in a different location than /boot/sys. Where exactly is it looking for these?
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I just purchased a Duet 3 MB 6HC as part of a revamp of my Ender 5 Pro. It will be a working project, just starting with the existing steppers except I'm adding a dual Z setup and I was planning to utilize the sensor-less homing. It will be moving to a full linear rail core-xy setup but I was trying to minimize the changes since moving to the duet board alone is a big one.
I'm definitely more than a little bit lost on getting started. I've read through some of the guides out there, but I feel there are some big gaps in the information or at least my interpretation of them. This isn't so much with the physical and electrical setup but with the software / firmware.
I've been able to get the Pi setup and communicating to the Duet 3 and can access the web interface. I've also gone through the RepRap config process and put the files onto the Pi's SD card in the /sys path.
At this point I'm just hoping to connect one of the steppers and issue some G0/G1 commands to see them move but I've been stopped by the lack of a home.g (or homeall.g) file.
Any advice on how to proceed?