@Phaedrux Just as follow up for anyone following this thread. Most all of the issues have been corrected with your excellent and quick assistance.
The only thing I still really don't like is even when changing the M950 Q100 down to Q10 the SSR still is fluctuating on and off multiple times a second with giving a scientific answer. I was hoping to see it operating on and off more like every 3 to 5 seconds.

Posts made by pete1961
RE: M140 Heater Fault Error
RE: M140 Heater Fault Error
@Phaedrux said in M140 Heater Fault Error:
@pete1961 said in M140 Heater Fault Error:
So this is in place of M307 is that correct?
No. It is in addition to M307.
Got it!
Let me try it!
Does it come in after M307 or before? -
RE: M140 Heater Fault Error
Thanks for the feedback.
It is a cheap Fotec but was purchased from Amazon.
So I know they are all considered junk.
I just recently purchased an Auber Relay knowing this after these other cheap Chinese ones keep melting! They have done so multiple times over the last few years.
Knowing that I will use M950. So this is in place of M307 is that correct? -
RE: M140 Heater Fault Error
Can you explain how or where to adjust "Q".
I don't see it as a parameter for M307.
The SSR is rated for 80 amps. -
RE: M140 Heater Fault Error
I replaced the thermistor which solved the erroneous temperature readings.
I did a PID Tune and it went fine and appeared like everything was in order.
During the printing of the first part after tuning my 80AMP SSD Relay overheated, melted and self destructed. This is not the first time this has happened either.
I have the relay being controlled from the Duet2wifi Heater Output and power for the bed being supplied from a 12VDC Power Supply.
What would cause these relays to fail? What is the remedy to avoid this from happening? -
RE: M140 Heater Fault Error
Okay just ran a PID Calibration on the Bed afterwards when trying to print received error stating bed was taking to long to heat up.After running the bed calibration my M307 is H0 R0.582 K0.393:0.000 D14.47 E1.35 S1.00 B0
The OLD M307 before that was know to work was M307 H0 R0 .554 C309.6 D11.90 S1.00 B1 V11.8
Also I now believe the thermistor does read correctly after checking it again.
So I'm not sure why the printer is slow to heat up. Any ideas?
RE: M140 Heater Fault Error
@Phaedrux I do still have them from before but they are old and use different commands because the firmware was quite old.
RE: M140 Heater Fault Error
Measuring the Bed Temp with a FLuke IR Thermometer.
It has always been accurate.
The thermistor is directly in the center of a 12" X12" heated bed made from a PCB board.
It essentially worked until I upgraded the firmware and re-did my setup from scratch using the config tool.
So I'm of the belief it is related to a setting in my config file and not hardware related as everything was working correctly previously. -
RE: M140 Heater Fault Error
During bed heater tuning I noted the accurate temperature is far off.
When the Duet board thinks it's 90°C it's actually about 58°C.
What parameter needs to be changed to correct for this difference? -
RE: M140 Heater Fault Error
@chrishamm I can certainly do that.
I'm thinking you think the config file looks okay.
Is that correct? -
M140 Heater Fault Error
I have used the configuration tool to setup my printer with the latest firmware.
Everything seems to be fine on my duet2wifi.Old firmware worked fine until it was corrupted and re-installed latest firmware.
So after using the configuration tool to redo my printer setup I have a heater fault on the Heated Bed.
The error upon power up is immediately "Warning: Heater 0 predicted maximum temperature at full power is 321C.
For reference I have this set in the configuration tool to what is supposed to be 120C.So when trying to heat the bed as a test it immediately starts in fault mode and will not heat the bed.
There must be something simple I'm missing but can't figure it out. Any assistance would be helpful.
Here is the G-Code for the sensors and heaters...M308 S0 P"bedtemp" Y"thermistor" A"Heated Bed" T100000 B3950 ; configure sensor #0
M308 S1 P"e0temp" Y"thermistor" A"Nozzle" T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 ; configure sensor #1M950 H0 C"bedheat" Q100 T0 ; create heater #0
M143 H0 P0 T1 C0 S120 A0 ; configure heater monitor #0 for heater #0
M307 H0 R2.43 D5.5 E1.35 K0.56 B0 ; configure model of heater #0
M950 H1 C"e0heat" T1 ; create heater #1
M143 H1 P0 T1 C0 S275 A0 ; configure heater monitor #0 for heater #1
M307 H1 R2.43 D5.5 E1.35 K0.56 B0 ; configure model of heater #1; Heated beds
M140 P0 H0 ; configure heated bed #0 -
RE: Duet2Wifi always connecting error
@Phaedrux After connecting as you mention and issuing M552 S1 it says Printer is not online.
I now have it working after refreshing the firmware a second time.
Thanks for reaching out.
All good for now! -
Duet2Wifi always connecting error
I believe the problem started when I removed the SD Card from the board while it was powered on. Don't know if that matters though but afterwards it always says "connecting" and never establishes a wifi connection.
I re-flashed the current firmware to the board and still same issue.
I know the SD card is not corrupt and using Bossa the wire of the firmware update to the board was verified as successful.
When I use panel due to read the SD Card it says 0 files present.
Any idea what would cause this issue?
Did I. fry the Duet Board by removing the SD Card while the board had power to it? -
RE: Error Parsing Response
Yes a better cable is in order with the 10" cable I fabricated the errors are more spurious than previously but still around.
The cabling is obviously the cause of this problem. -
RE: Error Parsing Response
I'm going to say at present after making a shorter cable from scratch the errors have stopped.
I went from about a 24" cable down to a 10" Cable.
I will come back here if I see more errors. -
RE: Error Parsing Response
I just received a brand new panel due to upgrade an old one.
The new 7i causes these errors.
The old panel with extra board that plugged into it probably is 5 years old works fine.
I'm running the latest stable release of the duet firmware and also the current latest firmware for the panel 7i.Any idea why this is causing me grief?
Considering returning the PanelDue as I believe something is wrong with it if the old PanelDue works fine.Anything you recommend???
Duet WIFI Bed Heater with SSR on Bed Heat Output Doesn't Work.
I have a known good DCDC Solid State Relay that I'm not able to trigger on the Bed Output of theDuet WIFI Board. I used to use a Auto Relay which was fine as a bang-bang relay. I want more precise heat control on the bed so switching to an SSR was what I tried to do.
Would anyone know why the 12V Bed Heat Output on the board will not power the relay???
RE: PanelDue is flashing and Says "Connecting"
I just re-flashed the panel due firmware and now have it working as well.
So I think I'm good.
I will be back if I continue with a problem.
THANKS for your help! -
RE: PanelDue is flashing and Says "Connecting"
Making progress.
Re-installed firmware with Bossa. Might not have been necessary because now I can connect via. wifi with Duet Web Control and print normally.
The Panel Due however does not really accept any touch screen input. It does not show any real time information like temperatures either. When I try to access any SD Card it says "Files on Card 0".
I'm thinking something is wrong with the panel due.
I can access 3D Print Files on the card of course and DWC sees all files as well.
Any thoughts???