Hi Phaedrux, yes, I have.
Regards, Pete.

Posts made by PeteL
RE: Duet 2 Wi-Fi - Unable to connect over Wi-Fi or USB
RE: Duet 2 Wi-Fi - Unable to connect over Wi-Fi or USB
Hi Phaedrux
I've uploaded two pictures, top and bottom of board. The best I can do I'm afraid. I've tested all 3 fuses on the board and they are okay. I bought the card from Oozenest, they are collecting the card on Monday 21st.
RE: Duet 2 Wi-Fi - Unable to connect over Wi-Fi or USB
@Phaedrux Hi Phaedrux. I had a look at the URL and followed a few of the diagnostic methods, including resetting the board with the jumper. Unfortunately no change. I also held in the reset button and connected the USB. The diagnostics light did not come on as I was expecting based on the documentation. The device appears in the device manager as 'Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)'. I've also uninstalled all USB devices, rebooted the laptop and tried again, same result. I also installed the drivers manually using 'add legacy hardware' option. An error code of 10 is listed against the drivers, but I think this is a red herring as the device is not being detected correctly, so I would expect to see this error. I think I've reached the point where I need to go back to the supplier.
RE: Duet 2 Wi-Fi - Unable to connect over Wi-Fi or USB
Hi Bearer. It's when I have the usb cable connected that it is at the higher temperature. Although after about 4-5 minutes it does come down 27-28degrees C. I'm using an infrared thermometer with a target light, so even if it's not exactly accurate it is still showing a difference between components, but nothing too drastic... hopefully?
Pete. -
RE: Duet 2 Wi-Fi - Unable to connect over Wi-Fi or USB
Hi Phaedrux, thank you for the response. Temps are around 28 degrees. The only hot spot I can find is around R31 which is around 37 - 40 degrees C. Although after a few minutes that comes down to 27-28 degrees. I'll have a look at the link tomorrow to see if there is anything else in there.
Thanks again.
Pete. -
Duet 2 Wi-Fi - Unable to connect over Wi-Fi or USB
Have had my Duet 2 Wi-Fi setup for a couple of months now. Today I switched the unit on and was unable to connect over Wi-Fi. Tried connecting over USB with no luck. Have removed Windows drivers, downloaded again from GitHub and installed. Am getting message in device manager: This device cannot start. (code 10). The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device.
When I attach the USB I get the red 5V and USB light on, also the green 3.3V light and end stop lights. I've checked the reset button and it is not stuck in.

I've gone through installing drivers on another laptop also running Windows 10 and have had the same results.
Any help greatly appreciated.
RE: Pause until Z sensor removed/attached
That's perfect, just what I was trying to achieve, and without any additional hardware.
Pete. -
Pause until Z sensor removed/attached
I have a FLSun QQ-s Pro which has an auto level sensor that you only connect when you want to check for bed level, and have to remove for printing.
At the moment I use the code listed below in the bed.g macro to ensure I have added the sensor before starting.
M117 ; Ensure you have attached Z-Probe.
M577 X S2 ; wait for end-stop to trigger
M577 X S0 ; wait for end-stop releaseIs there a way of moving end-stop trigger to E1 as I don't currently use this, and I have an end-stop type button I could use? If there is a better method to do this please feel free to explain it (as if to a total beginner
Pete. -
RE: Delta calibration G32 - twice in a row problem
@Baenwort Thank you for the response. I ran the command with the final G30 command S6 changed to S-1. The results are:
12/08/2020, 20:18:39 G32
G32 bed probe heights: 4.390 4.090 4.498 4.660 3.629 3.209 2.990 3.118 3.910 0.460 0.659 0.590 0.079 -0.180 0.119 -1.023, mean 2.200, deviation from mean 1.937
Warning: No M501 command was executed in config.gResults above are the most recent test, I tried a couple of things first:
1 - Tried calibration with M500 at end, and re-enabled M501 in config.g. This caused the first attempt at calibration after a machine reset to go out of bounds.
2 - Tried commenting out M501 in config.g and using S-1 in bed.g. This caused a consistent G32 result... well very nearly. Please see results below.
12/08/2020, 19:32:23 G32
G32 bed probe heights: 4.400 4.110 4.508 4.660 3.619 3.199 2.990 3.118 3.920 0.480 0.669 0.600 0.079 -0.180 0.119 -1.013, mean 2.205, deviation from mean 1.936
12/08/2020, 19:36:14 G32
G32 bed probe heights: 4.390 4.090 4.488 4.640 3.609 3.199 2.990 3.118 3.920 0.460 0.659 0.580 0.069 -0.190 0.119 -1.023, mean 2.195, deviation from mean 1.936config-override.g config.g bed.g
Thank you for your help.
Pete. -
Delta calibration G32 - twice in a row problem
Thanks to @droftarts the z probe on my QQ-S Pro is now working. If I run the delta calibration (G32) everything seems to go okay. If I run it a second time, the sensor goes outside of the periphery and I have to turn the unit off. If I run calibration, switch unit off/on and run calibration again, all goes well.Firmware version 3.1.1
RE: Delta Homing - Switch open when finished
@Phaedrux said in Delta Homing - Switch open when finished:
When the motors are turned off their position becomes unknown
Aah, I see. Thanks for the clarification, that makes sense now.
Pete. -
RE: FLSun QQ-S Pro - Level Sensor reads 1000 when axis homed
@droftarts Thanks for the response. This worked brilliantly. The '!' is listed on the M558. Note to self... read more!
Thanks again.
Pete. -
RE: FLSun QQ-S Pro - Level Sensor reads 1000 when axis homed
@Phaedrux Thanks for the response. Checked firmware version: FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.1.1 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2020-05-19b2
FLSun QQ-S Pro - Level Sensor reads 1000 when axis homed
Have connected the Z-Probe that comes with the QQ-S Pro to the Z probe connector on the Duet 2 WiFi. The DWC is showing a value of 1000, if I press the button on the sensor, the value goes to zero. I have tried using I1 with M558 also I0, but the value does not change. When I try to use delta calibration (G32) the sensor comes down to roughly 20mm from the bed, moves to a few points without changing height and shows a few errors (Error: Z probe already triggered at start of probing move). Have uploaded homedelta.g, config.g and bed.g for reference.
Please feel free to treat me as an absolute beginner. Too much information is, well, never too much. Thanks.
homedelta.g config.g bed.g -
RE: Delta Homing - Switch open when finished
Thanks for the response. Yes I do mean the end-stop LEDs. The web control does stop saying that axis are not homed. I'll just need to home at start up.
Thanks again.
Pete. -
Delta Homing - Switch open when finished
Currently setting up a Duet 2 WiFi on a FLSUN QQ-S Pro. Each time I switch the machine on it says that xy and z are not homed. I run the home all and the switches do activate, the LEDs go off but by the end of the process everything has moved back down and the LEDs are back on. My homedelta.g is as below (the slow speed has been left intentionally for the moment:
; homedelta.g
; called to home all towers on a delta printer
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.1.4 on Tue Jul 21 2020 20:30:14 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time)
G91 ; relative positioning
;*** Slow homing has been configured. Change F180 to F1800 below when your configuration is working
G1 H1 X370 Y370 Z370 F200 ; move all towers to the high end stopping at the endstops (first pass)
G1 H2 X-5 Y-5 Z-5 F200 ; go down a few mm
;*** Slow homing has been configured. Change F180 to F360 below when your configuration is working
G1 H1 X8 Y8 Z8 F180 ; move all towers up once more (second pass)
G1 Z-5 F200 ; move down a few mm so that the nozzle can be centred
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X0 Y0 F200 -
RE: FLSUN QQ-S Pro - json file request.
Thanks for the response. I'd seen this one, I've gone through it and have found some additional information. I'll spend some more time and then come back with more direct questions. It seems to be the levelling sensor that remains a problem for some, ah well, it'll be worth it in the end.
Pete. -
FLSUN QQ-S Pro - json file request.
Hi All.
Just swapped out my FLSUN QQ-S Pro board for a Duet 2 Wifi. Not quite going according to plan. Although the magic smoke is still in all of the components so the board is still working.Does anyone have a config.json file I can run through the online configuration tool to see what I've got wrong. I'd be happy with one for a QQ-S if you don't have a Pro version.
In fact at this point, I'd be happy with one for a QQ
Stay safe all.