@jay_s_uk I installed 3.4.5 before I started trying to add the 12864.

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RE: Duet2 Maestro M150 Command not supported for 12864
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RE: Duet2 Maestro M150 Command not supported for 12864
@dc42 Thanks for clarifying. I'm sure I can use the 2.1 board in another project, so I'll see if I can get hold of a 1.2. I'm not in any rush; I use the web interface to control my printer. It would just be nice to have the extra display for looking at the status at a glance.
I'll keep my eyes peeled for the updates. There's another Maestro at my makerspace waiting to have a printer built around it!
Thank you!
RE: Duet2 Maestro M150 Command not supported for 12864
@dc42 Thanks. I wish the docs at https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Connecting_hardware/Display_12864 reflected this. They explicitly state that the FYSETC 1.2 and 2.1 boards (and the similar ones from other manufacturers) are compatible (albeit with wiring loom) and that the 2.0 boards with the 3-pwm RGB displays are not.
But even if I can get a 1.2 board, I'll need the M150 command in order to turn on the backlight, right?
RE: Duet2 Maestro M150 Command not supported for 12864
@gloomyandy I don't see different versions of the BTT 12864 display. Their docs (linked above) say that it's RGB but there's only one pin for "RGB". The docs say the color is settable by "the interface" and shows some photos of menus. Nowhere in the user manual's text does it say "Neopixel" but "RGB Neopixel Backlight" does appear in a comment in a screenshot of code in that manual.
I don't know how to access their menus but I'll try reconnecting it to an Arduino to see if I can duplicate what's in their user manual when the Maestro isn't overriding the menu system (hopefully it's not too late for that). Don't know if that'll work but it's worth a shot.
Even if the color is settable that way, I still need to be able to turn the light on, and that can only be done with the M150 unless I've misunderstood what I've been reading.
Thank you!
RE: Duet2 Maestro M150 Command not supported for 12864
@Phaedrux Yes! Here's what I have:
My understanding was that it is the same as the Fysetc Mini 12864 but I'm seeing @droftarts saying that that has a fixed backlight whereas the BIGTREETECH has fancy RGB lights. That might be the root of my troubles.
RE: Duet2 Maestro M150 Command not supported for 12864
@jay_s_uk I installed 3.4.5 before I started trying to add the 12864.
Duet2 Maestro M150 Command not supported for 12864
I've almost totally gotten my display working thanks to the information already posted at https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Connecting_hardware/Display_12864 and https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/14732/duet-mastero-12864-lcd-connection plus the various schematics and diagrams from Duet3D and BIGTREETECH, the maker of my 12864 display. It's a 1.0 board, so supposedly just like the Fysetc Mini12864 V2.1 panel, driven by a ST7567. I'm running firmware v3.4.5 on my Maestro. I have a temporary wiring loom to connect EXP1 pin 7 and 8 to EXP0 and EXP1 on the Maestro.
The problem I'm encountering is that the backlights won't come on. I can see the display is working but only very faintly because there's no light shining through the LCD.
According to the Duet3D docs linked above, I've issued the
M918 P2 E2 F2000000
code, which enables the panel but not the display LEDs. Next I'm supposed to use a series ofM150
codes, but it looks as though the Maestro does not supportM150
. I get the response:Warning: M150: Command is not supported
I see an issue opened up at https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/issues/485 regarding M150 support for the Maestro.
If there is no M150 support on the Maestro, then this display is not compatible with the Maestro and perhaps ought not be listed as a compatible display in the docs. Or is there something else I'm likely to have missed/misunderstood?
Thank you!
RE: Newb initial Maestro network setup via terminal
@droftarts said in Newb initial Maestro network setup via terminal:
See if you get the same response using the documented method.
Thanks, I should have mentioned that first. I did use
first and had the described behavior. I switched to SerialTools in an attempt to try to get to the bottom of it.I'll look at that computer and see what I did to mess it up. As I said just a moment ago, I may have a bad (or at least incompatible) FTDI driver on that machine left over from programming Sumobots. In the meantime, I have web access so serial access is less important.
Thank you so much!
RE: Newb initial Maestro network setup via terminal
I may have discovered the problem. I found another computer to plug in to the card with, and it responds to commands just as described everywhere. So my guess is I have a bad FTDI driver on the other machine. It would explain the gobbledygook.
I'm proceeding with cautious optimism. I also discovered I have one bad network port on my hub. Better to discover this now than get further into the process and wonder why everything still isn't working!
Edited the config.g with network config and I'm now in through the DWC!
I have a lot to learn here, but that's easier to do when everything looks like the docs say they should!
RE: Newb initial Maestro network setup via terminal
Thank you!
If there are uncommented junk lines in my config.g file then I ought to pull the card, open it on another computer, and edit it? I would have done that except the config.g file on the card says explicitly not to edit or use it.
If I hit enter five times to send five blank lines I get a string of "bad command" messages as above. Typing "M552" and then a space similarly sends me a string of "bad command" messages without giving me a chance to hit enter and send it. It looks to me as though any five keystrokes sent results in string of "bad command" messages. I can get the whole string in if I paste it rather than type it as instructed here: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Guide/1.)+Getting+Connected+to+your+Duet/7
… but there again, after pasting, it takes four keystrokes (be they Enter or Space or what have you) to get the string of "bad command" messages.
Although they do have different messages. Example:
M552 Bad command: mand: 552s://github.com/dc42/ReM ok Bad command: d command: d command: ok ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: c42/RepRapFirmware/releases/ ok Bad command: ok5 ok Bad command: d command: 1 ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: s/ ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: ok 552: Bad IP address ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: eases/ ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: 5 ok Bad command: d command: re/releases/ ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: mmand: 552s://github.com/dc42/RepR2 ok Bad command: d command: ok ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: and: qttps://github.com/dc42/RepRapFirmware/r ok Bad command: d command: 1ad command: A[A[A[A[A[A[A ok Bad command: ok ok
The result of
M552 S0
pasted (plus hitting enter four times) follows:M552 S0 Bad command: epRapFirmware/r ok Bad command: d command: rmware/releases/ ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: [A[A[A[A ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: d command: ok ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: mmand: ok ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: r Duet 2 Maestro FIRMWARE_VERSIO ok Bad command: d command: ok ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: releases/ ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: mand: 552s://github.com/dc42/Re ok Bad command: d command: d command: ok ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: c42/RepRapFirmware/releases/ ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: d command: 1 ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: s/ ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: ok 552: Bad IP address ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: ok ok Bad command: eases/ ok Bad command: ok ok