@droftarts Thank you.
The file is not included in the Release 3.0, or in any 3.x version in the github.

Latest posts made by STFF
RE: Multiple problem with Duet 2 Wifi
RE: Multiple problem with Duet 2 Wifi
@Phaedrux I would love to upgrade, but the wiki is outdated. It asks for a "iap4e.bin" file but nowhere to find it.
Multiple problem with Duet 2 Wifi
Hello all, some years ago I started to build a big core XY 3d printer, it worked fine using a RAMPS 1.4 but for various reasons, I wanted to switch to a Duet. Nothing worked out as planned, and I just gave up. Now that I have some free time I want to try to finish it, and I prefer to ask for your help instead of giving up again.
I'm using a Duet 2 Wifi bought from Reprapworld, still in 2.0.(3?) version, maybe I'll update it to 3.x later, I don't know yet.
Stepper motors are KL17H248-15-4A
The extruder is a Titan Aero if I remember correctly
Mechanical endstops for the Z/Y axis and optical endstop for X axisHere is a photo of the whole thing so you can have an overview (and I'm talking about the big one, not the small one in the middle of the big one)
So my first problem is with the 3 mechanical endstops, they worked fine this morning, and now :
-they all work separately if only one endstop is connected
-if two are connected, they need to be both activated to work, if only one is activated, nothing is happening, no red light
-if three are connected, they need to be all three activated to work, if only one or two are actived, nothing is happening, no red lightI have absolutly no idea what is happening, I have never seen that before, do you have any ideas?