Hi, I have a similar issue with my noisy dual Z motors , remaped on E1 stepper make the motors quiet but also using only 1 motor on Z solved it..
All the motors on my printer are the same (42BYGH4812AA), can handle 1,2A and are set to 800mA on XY and are quiet. On dual Z, I try from 800 to 2600mA and nothing change and in single Z it's nice from 800 to 1200mA.
I don't know if I clear, but do you have an idea why it's like this ?

Latest posts made by toshi
RE: Stepper settings - Stuttering motors
RE: BLTouch working
Thanks for you advises, I just finish to redesign my x carriage with 2.1mm différence between probe triggered and nozzle (tested), this program was with the initial mount, not optimized but worked. The issue was a wired cut inside the isolation thus a default.
Now it's working and perfect, maybe tune the speed and hight to have a better repetability. Some times at least 1 point is wrong and the 1rst layer too. -
RE: BLTouch working
I wirred my Bltouch yesterday thanks to this thread, it's the new version with something to cut for 3.3V output. I can extend, retract, and simulate the bed contact with my finger with no limit.
But, there is always a problem =), When I launch a G32 with the following code (grid or points), the fourth point is always skipped with the error : ''Error: Z probe already triggered at start of probing move".
Do you have an idea ?Config:
M558 P5 X0 Y0 Z5 H10 F200 T5000 M307 H3 A-1 C-1 D-1 M574 E0 S0 G31 X-30 Y-5 Z3.15 P25
M280 P3 S10 I1 G4 P50 ;**Mesh bed leveling ;G28 Z ;M557 X10:190 Y10:190 S36 ;G29 S0 ;**Point bed leveling G30 P0 X-12 Y12 Z-99999 G30 P1 X-12 Y190 Z-99999 G30 P2 X170 Y190 Z-99999 G30 P3 X170 Y12 Z-99999 S0 G4 P50 M280 P3 S90 I1
RE: Uncalled for pauses during print?
Hello, I have some strange pause also during printing but the speed is not so hight. For me it seem appear arround G92 E0. My slicer is S3D.
[[language]] G1 X62.782 Y81.493 E8.0561 G1 X62.809 Y81.520 E8.0575 G1 X62.915 Y81.626 F2074 G92 E0 G1 E-4.5000 F3600 G1 Z0.340 F3000 G1 X63.007 Y76.626 F4500 G1 Z0.240 F3000 G1 E0.0000 F3600 G92 E0 G1 X63.207 Y76.826 E0.0102 F2074 G1 X63.772 Y76.826 E0.0306 G1 X63.572 Y76.626 E0.0408 G1 X64.138 Y76.626 E0.0613
SOLVED : After looking deeper, the pause was only because the retraction speed is higher than in my config file.
RE: [solved] Duet Crash on probing
Thanks a lot for your quick answer, now it works !
[solved] Duet Crash on probing
Hello everybody,
I just receive my board this morning and I wiring it on my smartalu this evening with more or less problems.
Every things seems to be properly connected, end stop and inductive prove recognize but I have a trouble with my bed auto leveling. When I launch it through the web interface, the printer move, home X, Y, probe 5 points and then crash …Thanks a lot for your help,
Sebwith the error :
[[language]] Communication Error An AJAX error has been reported, so the current session has been terminated. Please check if your printer is still on and try to connect again. Error reason: SyntaxError: Unexpected token a in JSON at position 65
Here my bed.g
[[language]] ; Auto calibration routine for delta printers ; Before running this, you should have set up your zprobe Z offset to suit your build, in the G31 command in config.g. M561 ; clear any bed transform, otherwise homing may be at the wrong height G31 X0 Y0 ; don't want any probe offset for this G28 ; home the printer ;*** Remove the following line if your Z probe does not need to be deployed ;M98 Pdeployprobe.g ; deploy the mechanical Z probe ; The first time the mechanical probe is used after deployment, it gives slightly different results. ; So do an extra dummy probe here. The value stored gets overwritten later. You can remove this if you use an IR probe. ;G30 P0 X0 Y0 Z-99999 ; Probe the bed and do 6- or 7-factor auto calibration G30 P0 X15 Y15 Z-99999 H0 ; X tower G30 P1 X170 Y15 Z-99999 H0 ; between X and Y towers G30 P2 X170 Y170 Z-99999 H0 ; Y tower G30 P3 X15 Y170 Z-99999 H0 ; between Y and Z towers G30 P4 X90 Y90 Z-99999 S4 ; Z tower ;*** Remove the following line if your Z probe does not need to be retracted ;M98 Pretractprobe.g ; retract the mechanical Z probe G1 X10 Y10 Z10 F8000 ; get the head out of the way of the bed
RE: IDEX Support
I'm begin to design a coreXY printer and this idea of IDEX is an huge improvement I thing and i would like to upgrade with this. Good luck, you are in the good way !