@phaedrux okay thank you.

Posts made by user M_123
RE: 1XDs- Expansion boards not functioning
@dc42 I did as mentioned in this link but it doesn't work.
https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/RepRapFirmware/Updating_bootloader -
RE: 1XDs- Expansion boards not functioning
@phaedrux said in 1XDs- Expansion boards not functioning:
And you found that the same wiring, etc was working correctly with other boards?
around one & half month ago.
From Duet3d. -
1XDs- Expansion boards not functioning
During SW flash, it was found that 2 of the 1XDs- Expansion boards are not functioning.
1) The Red - status LED does not glow at all, on providing power and CAN signals.
2) does not communicate at all at default 122- CAN address.
& i also try with B120 ,B121 but its not working.
issues in position accuracy
I am using 16x16 ball screw and 100 steps/mm accuracy so that for 1 step=10um .
if G code G1 X140.010 so it's generate 1 step for .010
but if G1 X140.012 and G1 X140.017 for that how it's work
if any one know how it's generated position accuracy for these two please let me know -
RE: Error:M997
@rjenkinsgb said in Error:M997:
If the bootloader does need updating, the files and info are here:
Thanks -
I am order new Expansion board few months ago now i am Trying to flash Firmware version 3.3 for expansion board
1st i am read the address using
M115 B120
response: Duet EXP1XD firmware version 3.2beta1+1(2020-10-16b1)
then flash firmware using
M997 S3 B120
Error: M997:firmware file DuetBootloader-Duet EXP1XD firmware version 3.2be not found.
i am add bootloader file from GitHub but it's give me same error.
so please give me solution for that -
RE: lead screws adjustment
@phaedrux My question is that after the bed probing firmware gives lead screw adjustment value so how does lead screw adjust based on that value {such as taking one value (-0.074) as reference and adjusting other lead screw accordingly} ??
lead screws adjustment
Is the lead screw adjustment based on this value ?, the value is as follows:
-Leadscrew adjustments made:(-0.074,0.006,-0.002,0.027)
-before (mean,deviation):(-0.017,0.013)
-After (mean,deviation):(0.00,0.00) -
Question regarding MAC address
hello i am using firmware version 3.4beta 3 but now i am update firmware to 3.4beta 5 so mac address is changed but i am using same board is it possible that MAC address will changed??.
->MAC for beta3 is=be:7b:50:3e:51:37
->MAC for beta5 is=be:4e:50:3e:51:37 -
RE: issues in RRF build
@joergs5 Thanks for your support it is build perfectly