Nozzle wipe?
Does anyone happen to have a Nozzle wipe for deltas? I have a 17" bed and I'm a little unsure what exactly needs to happen for a curved wipe or if I should just simply go for a straight one?
@mysta said in Nozzle wipe?:
Does anyone happen to have a Nozzle wipe for deltas? I have a 17" bed and I'm a little unsure what exactly needs to happen for a curved wipe or if I should just simply go for a straight one?
What could possibly be the advantage of a curved wipe over a straight one?
@sethipus A curved wipe which is following the circular bed outline will of course require less build plate space than a straight line, which may cut off a relatively large portion of the circular bed.
@themelle said in Nozzle wipe?:
@sethipus A curved wipe which is following the circular bed outline will of course require less build plate space than a straight line, which may cut off a relatively large portion of the circular bed.
Right - I know it's pretty insignificant I was mostly curious.(Also the fact that I don't have any code for a wipe on a delta anyway)
I'm curious about this myself, I was thinking of drawing up a hollow cylinder with no tops and bottoms and the wall thickness as thick as what I have my nozzle set to in my slicer. Doing no skirt or brim. I was going to slice it and see what gcode it output. Probably a bunch of segments. I bet I could choose however many to make an arc the length I wanted.
You could use a G2/G3 arc move with the center at X/Y 0 and a radius of the bed diameter/2.
I couldn't get G2/G3 to work.
Let's start with what a Delta thinks is clockwise vs counter clockwise.
What does it, consider what lets say when looking down at the print bed from the topWe know 0,0 is in the center
-X is to the left, +X is to the right
-Y is to the front, +Y is to the backMy assumption is that for clockwise, it would go: back right quadrant, front right quadrant, front left quadrant, back left quadrant.
But I couldn't get a movement with G2 for clockwise, G2 for counter-clockwise did move from right to left along the front of the bed.
But I kept getting that the movement was out of the printers print area
Running on a Delta with a 284 mm printable area.
So in a CAD drawing, I drew a circle smaller than the printable diameter of my bed. I drew a line from center to the circumference of the circle. I mirrored it and then measured their distances from the origin in X and Y.
Moved to the first position,
G1 X-15 Y-139.79 F1800Tried to move to the opposite side along an arc,
G3 X15 Y-139.79 I0 J-140.59248 F1800
It kept giving missing I or J parameterI tried G3 X15 Y-139.79 R140.59248 F1800 and got missing
It kept giving missing I or J parameterThen I tried
G3 X15 Y-139.79 I0 J140.59248 R140.59248 F1800
It moved, but didn't appear to complete the arc, position in X was something like 1.6 -
@blt3dp said in Nozzle wipe?:
I couldn't get G2/G3 to work.
Let's start with what a Delta thinks is clockwise vs counter clockwise.
What does it, consider what lets say when looking down at the print bed from the topWe know 0,0 is in the center
-X is to the left, +X is to the right
-Y is to the front, +Y is to the backMy assumption is that for clockwise, it would go: back right quadrant, front right quadrant, front left quadrant, back left quadrant.
But I couldn't get a movement with G2 for clockwise, G2 for counter-clockwise did move from right to left along the front of the bed.
But I kept getting that the movement was out of the printers print area
Running on a Delta with a 284 mm printable area.
So in a CAD drawing, I drew a circle smaller than the printable diameter of my bed. I drew a line from center to the circumference of the circle. I mirrored it and then measured their distances from the origin in X and Y.
Moved to the first position,
G1 X-15 Y-139.79 F1800Tried to move to the opposite side along an arc,
G3 X15 Y-139.79 I0 J-140.59248 F1800
It kept giving missing I or J parameterI tried G3 X15 Y-139.79 R140.59248 F1800 and got missing
It kept giving missing I or J parameterThen I tried
G3 X15 Y-139.79 I0 J140.59248 R140.59248 F1800
It moved, but didn't appear to complete the arc, position in X was something like 1.6So I'm a little lost how it works, if you do G2 X15 Y15 should your head start at x15y15?
@blt3dp said in Nozzle wipe?:
Moved to the first position,
G1 X-15 Y-139.79 F1800
Tried to move to the opposite side along an arc,
G3 X15 Y-139.79 I0 J-140.59248 F1800
It kept giving missing I or J parameterWhich firmware version are you using?
To describe an arc centred on bed centre, you should use:
G3 X15 Y-139.79 I15 J139.79 F1800
The I parameter plus the initial X position gives you the X coordinate of the arc centre, and the J parameter plus the initial Y coordinate gives you the Y coordinate of the arc centre.
I understood that it moves from wherever your current position is to what you tell it in your G2 in an arc.@dc42
Now I get how G2/G3 works, I probably was giving it locations outside of the printable area cause I was giving it wrong arc center coordinates.I'm using firmware 2.02 Stable
I'd go to 2.04RC1, but I saw the issue with DWC not being able to connect to firmware.Here's a question, my original goal was to start my arc at X-15 at a radius of 141 mm, which would put my Y position at -140.19986
I found that it would never go exactly there. I would issue a command to G1 X-15 Y-140.19986 and it would move, but it would end up at X-14.98 and
My printable area is configured as 284 mm, so 141 mm radius and X-15 Y-140.19986 should be reachable. I ended up at the 139.79 value from my previous example by moving X individually to -15 and then moving Y in increments until X changed. Then backed it off. Why would X change at all?
What have you set the bed radius to in the M665 command?
If I recall, 142
Mines 225-
but when I look around the bed(which is set to build volume 450x450y and 225 origin offset I can move the piece around to like x300? I would think I would want to max out at 225?Guess that's a S3d bug I've never noticed.Would this be valid?
G02 X220Y0 I0J-220.0