Looking at https://d17kynu4zpq5hy.cloudfront.net/igi/duet3d/4k56ZjaaAHrTJI6Z.huge
... where exactly did you plug in the two wires coming from the endstop switches?

Best posts made by themelle
RE: Endstop switches doesnt work
RE: G32 does not work " RESOLVED "
As far as I can tell you your bed.g is missing a G30 command with the appropriate S-Parameter to perform the desired calibration calculation.
See https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Gcode#Section_G30_Single_Z_Probe and https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Setting_up_automatic_probing_of_the_print_bed.Also, you may need to include a M501 command a the end of your config.g to enable execution of config-override.g.
RE: Delta X,Y,Z towers anomalies
@mihaitintea said in Delta X,Y,Z towers anomalies:
Try to move X down 10 m, but this happens: X goes up about 5 mm, Y goes down 5 mm, Z does not move.
repeat the Home All procedure
Try to move Y down 10 mm, but this happens: X goes down 5 mm, Y goes up 5 mm, Z does not move
repeat the Home All procedure
Try to move Z down 25 mm, but this happens: X and Y and Z, all move down at the same time 25 mm.The X/Y/Z controls in the machine control section refer to build space coordinates, not to the towers themselves.
So it is nothing but expected that issuing "Z down 25mm" will of course result in all carriages moving down by 25mm.
Same goes for movements in X and Y directions - the all are combinations of moving the three tower carriages of the delta printer.Why would you need to move a single carriage (except for testing purposes, which can be achieved by G1 S2 commands - see https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Test_axes_or_motors_individually)
Andreas -
RE: Endstop switches doesnt work
@goodchrhere I'm glad you got it working!
To have Z axis behaving as X and Y you should just remove the linesM574 Z1 S3 ; set endstops controlled by motor stall detection ; Z-Probe M574 Z1 S2 ; set endstops controlled by probe
RE: sizing help - when printed box completely looses corners
Seems to me like you're hitting the limits of the printable area.
Is this a brim you're printing around your object?
Or does this extended area belong to the model itself?
If it's a brim you might try printing without ...Also, 134x94mm should be around 163.7mm diagonally
RE: Nozzle wipe?
@sethipus A curved wipe which is following the circular bed outline will of course require less build plate space than a straight line, which may cut off a relatively large portion of the circular bed.
RE: Common +3.3V and GND for multiple Duet MFMs
Just as a quick feedback: I can confirm that running 4 Duet Magnetic Filament Monitors on common wires for +3.3V and GND coming from E0stop on a Duet2 Wifi does indeed work like a charm.
Thanks again and Happy Easter everyone!
RE: Rotating Magnet Filament monitor
The calibration data is just an averaging measurement over the duration of a print job, and gives you a rough frame for configuring the upper and lower ends of your filament sensor's sensitivity.
So nothing to store directly, just some input for you to perfect your printer's setup, especially the values for the M591 command in config.g -
RE: print quality
Just a guess into the blue: what does the file /sys/config-override.g on the Duet SD card contain?
RE: Rotating magnet filament monitor - frame errors?
@dc42 @T3P3Tony
The replacement filament monitor arrived today - thanks for the really fast and painless swap!Just installed, gave it a quick go ...
- no more "Sensor not working" messages
M591 D0
reports quite usable dataDuet3D rotating magnet filament monitor v2 on input 3, disabled, sensitivity 25.33mm/rev, allow 85% to 115%, check every 3.0mm, current pos 14.8, measured sensitivity 25.21mm/rev, min 90% max 110% over 1252.5mm
reports no frame errors anymoreExtruder 0: pos 14.77, ok, measured sens 25.21mm/rev min 90% max 110% over 1252.5mm, errs: frame 0 parity 0 ovrun 0 pol 1 ovdue 0
Will do some more tests in the coming days, but those are by far the best results I was ever able to get!
Thanks to both the teams of Filastruder and Duet3D for your great support!
Much appreciated!
Latest posts made by themelle
RE: Common +3.3V and GND for multiple Duet MFMs
Just as a quick feedback: I can confirm that running 4 Duet Magnetic Filament Monitors on common wires for +3.3V and GND coming from E0stop on a Duet2 Wifi does indeed work like a charm.
Thanks again and Happy Easter everyone!
RE: Common +3.3V and GND for multiple Duet MFMs
@dc42 Thanks again, so I should be safe as it is - great
RE: Common +3.3V and GND for multiple Duet MFMs
@jay_s_uk Thanks for your quick response!
@dc42 Thank you for confirming @jay_s_uk
To play it safe: what would be "especially thin" for the common ground wire in terms of AWG (or mm^2)? -
Common +3.3V and GND for multiple Duet MFMs
Hi there,
my search in the forum was not really successful so I'd just ask my simple question:
Recently I've added three more extruder drives to my printer and now I'd like to add three more MFMs to the existing one MFM I used up until now.
The existing MFM is wired to E0_STOP on a Duet2Wifi. It has +3.3V and GND supplied through the corresponding pins on E0_STOP connector.
To keep wiring simple I would like to use +3.3V and GND from E0_STOP for the other three MFMs as well, and only wire the signal line from the MFMs to the respective connectors on the Duet board. Would this be possible? Or does every MFM need separate +3.3V and GND lines?Thanks in advance,
Andreas -
RE: G28 Delta towers crash
I assume it does matter in the way the endstops correlate to the towers.
It may just be best practice to call the left tower "X", the right one "Y", and the back one "Z", but it really does help in preventing (or at least resolving) this type of issues.
RE: Automatic shutdown without ATX
I am currently looking for a solution to this problem, too, but I had not thought of a relay module, but instead came up with the idea of using a SmartHome enabled outlet control like IKEA Tradfri (https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/tradfri-wireless-control-outlet-00364477/) or something similar.
The question that remains is if there is a way to integrate this with RRF/DWC or (maybe more feasible) DSF? -
RE: Strange behavior I don't understand
As far as I know babystepping changes Z=0 datum, but leaves the current Z of the active Tool untouched.
If baby stepping would change both values you would not be able to change the relative distance between nozzle and bed. -
RE: Uploading Duet2CombinedIAP.bin won't finish - 3.01RC7 / DWC2.1.2
@dc42 said in Uploading Duet2CombinedIAP.bin won't finish - 3.01RC7 / DWC2.1.2:
I have reproduced this using RRF 3.01-RC10 and DWC 2.1.5. Uploading the same file to a Duet 3 system works.
Workaround: rename the file to something else ending in .bin, upload it, then rename it back on the Duet.David,
thanks for having a look and providing a work-around!
Updating to RC10 right now ... -
Uploading Duet2CombinedIAP.bin won't finish - 3.01RC7 / DWC2.1.2
When uploading Duet2CombinedIAP.bin through DWC the upload status does not finish, the button keeps "circling", and the file does not get uploaded at all.
What puzzles me is that uploading any other file (including DWC.zip) does work like a charm.Duet2CombinedIAP.bin file size is 40804 byte.
I am currently running, but have seen posts in other topics regarding the same issue on RC6 as well as on later ones.
Board: Duet 2 WiFi (2WiFi) Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.01-RC7 (2020-04-14b3) Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.23 Duet Web Control 2.1.2
RE: RRF 3.01-RC10, DWC 2.1.5 and DSF 2.1.1 released
@dc42 said in RRF 3.01-R10, DWC 2.1.5 and DSF 2.1.1 released:
@Silrocco said in RRF 3.01-R10, DWC 2.1.5 and DSF 2.1.1 released:
Uploading DuetMaestroAP.bin didn't work either, getting an infinite upload status for minutes that I have to cancel out.
Is that repeatable? What is the file size of the DuetMaestroAP.bin file on your PC?
I'm having the very same issue.
Upload status does not finish "circling", file does not get uploaded at all.What puzzles me is that uploading any other file (including DWC.zip) does work like a charm.
Duet2CombinedIAP.bin file size is 40804 byte.
I am currently running
Board: Duet 2 WiFi (2WiFi) Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.01-RC7 (2020-04-14b3) Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.23 Duet Web Control 2.1.2