New firmware 3.01-RC2 available
so far so good
@dc42 fan rpm showing up in dwc. Thank you very much.
I haven't seen anything in the release notes so I guess the answer is still no, but is M303 heater tuning for remote heaters implemented yet?
@deckingman said in New firmware 3.01-RC2 available:
I haven't seen anything in the release notes so I guess the answer is still no, but is M303 heater tuning for remote heaters implemented yet?
Not yet, however I now have an implementation plan for it.
The console is showing Stack Overflow errors when trying to deploy the BLTouch from a macro that that was started from a Trigger and calls another macro. The probe then fails to deploy.
A state change occurs on "e1stop" and trigger7.g is run. It calls "UnloadFilament.g" which then runs "CheckifHomed.g". During the homing operation the BL Touch probe fails to deploy and the bed crashes. The console shows 2 Stack Overflow errors when the probe attempts to deploy.CheckifHomed.g - Runs fine when run on it's own
CheckifHomed.g - Runs fine when called from "UnloadFilament.g" if UnloadFilament was started from the macro menu
CheckifHomed.g - Runs fine when called from startcode.g
CheckifHomed.g - Runs fine when called directly from trigger7.gIf trigger7.g is moved to the Macro Folder and started manually everything works fine.
config.g Info
M950 J3 C"e1stop" ;Load Buton M581 T7 P3 ;Runs trigger7.g file when pressed - First step of Unload process Please let me know if you need any more information.
@arhi said in New firmware 3.01-RC2 available:
might found a bug:
all files uploaded since RC2 have N/A for "last modified" time/date
Strange, it's working for me, I just tested uploading to Duet WiFi and to Duet 3 in standalone mode. Are you using DWC 2.0.7? Which Duet?
@TurtlePrint said in New firmware 3.01-RC2 available:
A state change occurs on "e1stop" and trigger7.g is run. It calls "UnloadFilament.g" which then runs "CheckifHomed.g". During the homing operation the BL Touch probe fails to deploy and the bed crashes. The console shows 2 Stack Overflow errors when the probe attempts to deploy.
Looks like you are exceeding the maximum allowed stack depth. Every macro file called (including homing macros and the Z probe deploy/retract macro) uses one level. I can increase it in the next RC.
@dc42 said in New firmware 3.01-RC2 available:
@arhi said in New firmware 3.01-RC2 available:
might found a bug:
all files uploaded since RC2 have N/A for "last modified" time/date
Strange, it's working for me, I just tested uploading to Duet WiFi and to Duet 3 in standalone mode. Are you using DWC 2.0.7? Which Duet?
Board: Duet Ethernet 1.02 or later Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.01-RC2 (2020-02-18b1) Duet Web Control 2.0.7 but looks like when I upload from DWC (upload gcode file button) it works ok but when I curl it to the duet
@echo off for %%a in (%1) do ( set filepath=%%~dpa set filename=%%~na set extension=%%~xa ) set if=%filepath%%filename%%extension% G:\bin\curl-7.50.3-win64-mingw\bin\curl.exe -G --data-urlencode gcode=M30"%filename%%extension%" http://ender5.local.lan/rr_gcode G:\bin\curl-7.50.3-win64-mingw\bin\curl.exe --data-binary "@%if%" "http://ender5.local.lan/rr_upload?name=gcodes/%filename%%extension%" the datetime is not there
There is an additional parameter to the rr_upload command that specifies the date/time to use for the time stamp.
What was the latest version of RRF for which the time stamp was set when you uploaded files using curl?
EDIT: I just ran the following:
curl.exe --data-binary "@symarchive.bat" "" and it did set the time stamp on the uploaded file.
Note, you need to have connected to the Duet with DWC before you do the upload using curl, otherwise the date/time will not be set on the Duet. Or you can pass the time stamp as an extra parameter, like this:
C:\Eclipse\Firmware>curl.exe --data-binary "@symarchive.bat" "" -
@dc42 Is it possible to have the Duet "Emergency Stop" when a Stack overflow occurs?
@TurtlePrint said in New firmware 3.01-RC2 available:
@dc42 Is it possible to have the Duet "Emergency Stop" when a Stack overflow occurs?
I can quite easily make it abandon the current print job.
@dc42 said in New firmware 3.01-RC2 available:
There is an additional parameter to the rr_upload command that specifies the date/time to use for the time stamp.
ah, didn't know that
What was the latest version of RRF for which the time stamp was set when you uploaded files using curl?
The update to the RRF and script for s3d came roughly at the same time so I started using CURL when I updated to RC2
Note, you need to have connected to the Duet with DWC before you do
That's the missing link! Thanks, that solved the problem
Apologies for the false alarm.Will modify the script to send proper time value, thanks for example.
Is there a way to tell DWC to refresh file list using curl?
@arhi said in New firmware 3.01-RC2 available:
Is there a way to tell DWC to refresh file list using curl?
Not AFAIK, but @chrishamm might know otherwise.
Hey - will state.previoustool be persistent through power cycle/M999?
It would be nice if there could be a condition check on homing to make sure that the previous tool is re-docked before attempting a home, to prevent damage to tool (especially from inattentive tinkerers) -
@Luke-sLaboratory said in New firmware 3.01-RC2 available:
Hey - will state.previoustool be persistent through power cycle/M999?
It would be nice if there could be a condition check on homing to make sure that the previous tool is re-docked before attempting a home, to prevent damage to tool (especially from inattentive tinkerers)The only things that persist across a restart are data stored in config-override.g when you run M500, and the software reset data.
For tool changers I suggest using microswitches to detect when tools are docked, or a microswitch to detect when a tool is loaded.
@dc42 Talking about tool changes... is it possible also to have a nexttool object? That would make it possible to already preheat the next tool to be used.
@TC said in New firmware 3.01-RC2 available:
@dc42 Talking about tool changes... is it possible also to have a nexttool object? That would make it possible to already preheat the next tool to be used.
A facility to read the GCode stream ahead so that tools can be preheated and filament mixes changed in advanced is planned for Duet 3. There probably isn't enough RAM to fit it in Duet 2.
I have Duet 2 Wifi and i have same problem with fan rpm showing random number's. So i will try this update to see is will be same or it will dissape. Thanks @dc42.
A few questions:
Do we still have a line length limit? Object model fetches such as 'heat.heaters[tools[state.currentTool].heaters[0]].current' burn through characters quite quickly.
How are line numbers counted when I get a syntax error? The line number given by RRF does not match the error location. Should it be file-linenumber, or are things like empty lines and comment lines skipped?
About the maximum stack depth: how deep is it? It is tempting to split code to separate macros, just like you would normally do with functions. This does increase nesting depth though.
I do not really want to bother you guys with this yet since I have to carefully check the hotend heating before complaining, but I see 'maximum excursion' heater faults when I do not expect them, such as soon after programming a lower temperature for an active heater. Did anything change in RC2 regarding heater fault detection?