PT1000 not working. no heatbed in DWC.
@barbarossa-cologne said in PT1000 not working. no heatbed in DWC.:
You're using RepRapFirmware 2.03, but your configuration is for RepRapFirmware 3.x. Either update firmware, or generate a new configuration set with the configuration tool, for RRF 2.x.
download Json or configuration bundle?
thanks -
@barbarossa-cologne configuration bundle zip, then upload it in DWC. Though it's useful to have the json file to, as you can use that to reload your settings into the configuration tool.
To be honest, you're better off updating. At least update to 2.05.1 (the last version of RRF 2.x), which fixes many bugs over 2.03.
ok. I´ll try to update! -
@barbarossa-cologne You can't go directly from 2.03 to 3.2.2. You need to install 3.0 first. See
Don't worry about all the other firmware files for the other boards, they will be ignored.Ian
If you still have access to DWC. Upload these 3 zip files, one at a time in the system tab. Don't extract them. Reboot after each. Use M115 to verify the firmware has been applied.
That will get your firmware and DWC up to date.You can see the change logs here: your config, might be a good idea to run through the configurator tool and generate a fresh set for RRF3. your existing config files in the sys folder in case you want to switch back to RRF3. IT’s easy to switch back and forth, just upload the zip file for the version you want and then upload your config files.
These documents will come in handy during the conversion. -
Ok... with firmware 3.0 it was working
... updating to rrf 3.2.2 is now installing since 10min. I hope it won't be a bigger problem
Thanks for all information -
Ok... can't open dwc anymore. Do I have to make the yat procedure again, now?
Richard -
What URL are you trying to use to reach DWC?
How did you try applying the firmware? Upload the zip file from DWC? -
@phaedrux @phaedrux and http://duettest.local/ --> like bevor
yes... upload to dwc. Just failed with version 3.2.2. installing.... nothing happened.
3.0 was fineIs there a possibility to reset the board to start from beginning?
thanks -
@barbarossa-cologne connect via Yat and usb and send m115 to see what firmware is applied.
Also from Yat you can send m997 to initiate the update.
It's possible it's just the WiFi firmware failed to apply successfully. So also send m997 S1. And then m552 S1 and see if it connected to wifi then.
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.2.2 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2021-02-11 -
Error: M997: Firmware binary "Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin" not found -
M997 S1
Error: M997: File DuetWiFiServer.bin not found -
M551 S1
okNothing more....
blue wifi led is off. -
@barbarossa-cologne said in PT1000 not working. no heatbed in DWC.:
Error: M997: File DuetWiFiServer.bin not found
It would seem some files aren't where they should be.
Pull the SD card and put it in your PC and check if they are present. If not, take them from the 3.2.2 zip file and copy them over. Specifically the wifi server bin file.
It must have succeeded in updating the firmware if M115 indicates 3.2.2 is installed.
Once you confirm the DuetWiFiServer.bin is present in the /sys folder, put the SD card back in the Duet and send the M997 S1 command again.
Error: M997: Firmware binary "Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin" not foundAlso:
Error: M587: Failed to retrieve network list: another SPI transfer is pending -
It would seem that the SD card may not be getting detected by the Duet.
When you uploaded the zip file, did you upload it as the single zip file, or did you extract it first? It would appear you have the DWC files in your sys folder as well.
Do you have a /www folder on the SD card as well?
Do you have another SD card to test with?
With the SD card present in the Duet,
Can you send M122 in the usb terminal and report the response?
Can you also send
M20 P"/www/"
and report the response?Can you post a photo of the SD card slot itself showing the soldering points?
These tests will help us determine if the slot has failed.
I´ll try it tomorrow but......
That doesn´t makes fun. I decided to send it back to the reseller if I can´t solve the problem tomorrow.
Lot´s of time spend finding the problem is no good idea in my case.
And you also spend more time helping people with other problems.
I go for Duet3 mini, I think.thanks for your support!