checksum foutregel 44/57
i have sins a few days that my panel due i7 keeps saying conncting and dont find the sd card.
(does work via webcontrol)all cables are checked and tightened
after a few times off / on it does it again
when I press home all it indicates
checksum error line 44
checkum error line 57firmware version1.23.2
Firmwareversion dwc2.05.1
what could this be? -
it sounds like a cabling error. Either the cable itself is failing, or it's being routed near other wires which are acting as a source of interference.
Are you sure nothing has changed in the configuration? What Baud rate is the PanelDue set to use on the Setup page?
@phaedrux said in checksum foutregel 44/57:
nothing has changed in the meantime since the screen is mounted Baud rate 57600 on panel due
@kevin said in checksum foutregel 44/57:
when I press home all it indicates
checksum error line 44
checkum error line 57Can you upload your homeall.g?
Do you get errors on any other homing files or macros? Perhaps the problem is a corrupted file.
At this point I think it would be prudent to replacing the cabling.
@phaedrux said in [checksum foutregel 44/57]
thanks for your comments i am going to order new cables.
I currently use stepper motor cable 0.33 mm² + -1.2 meter to board -
I've watched it for a few weeks and haven't had any more mistakes.
replaced the cables and laid them along a different route
Good to hear you've solved it.