PrusaSlicer with better RRF time estimates.
@pcr there is really not much added since I compiled this. Mine is basically beta2, except a few tiny bug fixes. If you need anything specific let me know. I have a beta2 branch that you can compile:
@bot thankk you. Really like your improvements
Off topic, but people on here are are familiar with Prusaslicer and it's useful for anyone else starting with it:
How the *$%ยฃ^!! do you get it to select a tool/extruder??
I have three tools defined.As it is, the GCode has
M104 S240 ; set temperaturebefore the start gcode or any tool selection.
For a multi-tool machine it needs the appropriate tool / extruder selection before any related settings, but I cannot find how to do that?
It looks really good; I grabbed it last night and have spent a few hours going through the settings & trying to figure out all the appropriate options, and done a lot of searching, but just cannot find this info.
Up to now, I've only ever used Cura, an old version originally specified for use with my Overlord pro delta printer.
It's always worked fine for that, but is rather restricted for the Duet-based machine.
In that, I've been setting the correct tool in the start gcode; nothing is sent before the start sequence. -
@rjenkinsgb you have to put it in your start g-code. Also, select "RepRapFirmware" g-code flavor.
I definitely released the n8 version of 2.4.0-beta2.
It is... colourful.
Spammmming my own thread
@bot That is really good!
@pcr Thank you! Let me know how you feel after a few days.
At first, I was reluctant about the colours but I went with what seemed to be best practices. I have since fallen in love with the colours. Dat sequential magma spectrum...
I did my first print using your slicer version yesterday afternoon/evening.
The time estimate was spot on.
And, the print quality is vastly better than the old Cura slicer I use with my Overlord Pro and initially used for the Duet machine!
The item sides have no noticeable layer lines or ripples, just a really good result.Thanks!
@pcr Very nice!! Thank you.
I saw that it's somewhat easy to do: use an existing app image, replace all the files. (Don't forget the resources folder! That's where the opengl shaders are located)
I wonder if this process is possible to do on macOS? I would hate to have to bug you every time to make an appimage for me! lol.
@pcr Hey hey hey would you like to make an appimage for this latest release? Make sure you include the
folder from this release, because that is where the shaders are... and that is the main improvement!
@bot here ya go
and yes i am repacking the original prusa slicer appimage
thats faaaarrr easier
@pcr Wow thank you so much!
Do you have any suggestions for improvements in the source code to make building/deploying on linux easier? I've never done it, but there are some potential improvements that could be made to the PrusaSlicer.desktop and gcodeviewer.desktop files. Do you have any idea what is best for them?
Sorry, but these new shaders are out of this world:
@bot thats true! look so good. Thats why i "reopend" the PS github talk about this
But honestly i dont think they will do a change. Mainly because they had to adjust the docs.the build process of the PS is pretty simple. Once you have all deps. But you can link them. So you dont have to compile them each time. The PS compile time is pretty quick, at least with 16 cores
The crazy thing is that if you compile the deps and PS the size of the folder is over 5GB.....They implemented a special options to add the desktop files in the menu bar. So now its easy.
I am using PopOS (Debian Based) with Gnome DE. PopOS is great for getting a machine running quick and without hiccups. Its not the most "linuxy" distro out there. But for end users who have not the time to dig deep into the linux multiverse its great. Plus it handles the drivers pretty good. Including the switching of Laptop GPUยดs (Nvidia->Intel).
@pcr Interesting. I need to get back into linux.
I think they will include the shader improvements. I submitted a stand-alone PR with only the lighting improvements so they can keep their ugly mishmash of colours lololo. The more I use these alternate colours the more I like them.
I think they will incorporate the lighting changes because their upcoming Prusa XL, and they have added the multimaterial painting option. Their current visualization has no colour accuracy whatsoever. This new visualization makes every visualization look like silk filament lol. So shiny, but not too much, and also bright and easy to see.
That is, as long as the user GPU settings can get ride of the moirรฉ.
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@bot said in PrusaSlicer with better RRF time estimates.:
I wonder if this process is possible to do on macOS?
Virtual machines come in very handy. Linux in a window.