Sharing my first print with Kisslicer ... Damn ...
@donpi said in Sharing my first print with Kisslicer ... Damn ...:
Sorry for the frustration, looks like Kisslicer user M551 for some sort of weird purge command:,88154
However they did not update the RepRap wiki which Adrian added ages ago:
If you go into the "Printer G-Code" tab and the "Select New Ext & Warm" subtab, you just need to put semi colons in front of it. The one that caused your problem is the "M55<EXT+1> P32000 S900" line. I put semicolons on all the other G codes where its not required in my printer setting.
; Select extruder, warm and wait, purge
;G4 P0
;M<EXT+1>04 S<TEMP>
;M55<EXT+1> P32000 S900
;M543M109 S<TEMP> T0
I am using kisslicer 1.6 with great results, a lot better than I was getting with S3D
The prints have taken a lot longer but worth the results..and haven't had to change any Gcode I have just been slicing and printing
M551 was allocated (probably by Adrian Bowyer) in the GCodes wiki at more than 4 years ago. So nobody has any excuse to use it for anything else.
It looks like it came from the Cubex firmware dating back to 2013.
M-CODE commandes for Cubex Firmware (1.07) :
M542 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> Go to the location of the purge
M543 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> Return from the location of the purge
M551 P[length] S[speed] - - > Purge
M227 P[length] S[speed] - - > "Prime/Suck" function
M228 P[length] S[speed] - - > "Prime/Suck" function
M101 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> Start extrusion
M103 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> Stop extrusion
M104 S[C°] - - - - - - - - - - - -> Nozzle temperature
M106 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> Start fan
M107 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> Stop fan
M108 p[rpm*10] - - - - - - - - -> Speed extrusion (integer)G-CODE commandes for Cubex Firmware (1.07) :
G1 X[coordinates] Y[coordinates] Z[coordinates] F[velocity] - - -> coordinates of displacement and velocity of the nozzle
G4 P[Sec] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> Pause in seconds!topic/kisslicer-refugee-camp/n29rTBATSKk
Yes I once I find the M551 in the documentation I semicoloned everything in Kisslicer.
Now everything works well.
All that said, somone know how to disable de password ?
I tried M551 without parameter and M551 P but it keep asking for a password ( but not on every computer ?!?!? )
Thanks guys
I am in the middle of my commissioning trials on my Hypercube Evolution (modified with increased rigidity and light moving mass etc etc) and using Slic3r. Good to know Kisslicer can work. I had been wondering about Kisslicer's PreloadVE setting and its interaction with Duet's Retraction and Pressure Advance so cautiously using Slic3r which I nearly understand.
Also Kisslicer creates large gcode files including very short movements that might "double-guess" Duet's firmware (showing my lack of knowledge ???). And/or it might require different config settings for optimum performance, possibly included in Kisslicer's various gcode options.
Using E3D Volcano (Nozzle 0.6 for testing) with Nimble - seems to work best for PLA with M566 X1500 Y1500 E40 and acceleration of 6000 to 9000.
Not yet braved PETG ! !
The Duet is fantastic compared to my previous Re-ARM. I have 2 - my second smaller Hypercube (with other modifications) under construction using experimental prints from my first one.
You can fearless enjoy PETG, just take car at the stickness to the print bed. I destroyed my buildtak suface with the first print.. Yes, right in the middle...
For Kisslicer it can works nearly without tuning. Only take care of the M551 command by default
@donpi said in Sharing my first print with Kisslicer ... Damn ...:
Yes I once I find the M551 in the documentation I semicoloned everything in Kisslicer.
Now everything works well.
All that said, somone know how to disable de password ?
I tried M551 without parameter and M551 P but it keep asking for a password ( but not on every computer ?!?!? )
Thanks guys
Try: M551 Preprap
@garis said in Sharing my first print with Kisslicer ... Damn ...:
The Duet is fantastic compared to my previous Re-ARM. I have 2 - my second smaller Hypercube (with other modifications) under construction using experimental prints from my first one.
I'm glad you like the Duet! What in particular do you find better than when you used the Re-ARM?
@dc42 Installation - simplified wiring (and I've been soldering for 60 yrs and now crimping !!) including on-board bed heater PS. The improved drivers, although I don't know how much a Re-ARM could control advanced TMC drivers - something I didn't have to learn.
Duet's firmware's features are richer than smoothieware in many ways. XYZ limits in settings that work and G1 S1 override are just the beginning
DWC is better than using Octoprint. Currently using DWC simultaneously on my iMac, as well as on old laptop next to the printer that is dedicated to the printer (and the 2nd printer soon) and experimenting with a 10" android tablet that may be mounted on the printer frame if it is convenient.
Note: I haven't updated the firmware yet as I am focussed on finishing the build and basic calibration/tuning.
Whilst I like DWC, I see it as a work-in-progress as it is a bit clumsy (eg the machine control XYZ movement steps change with screen size [why?], my added gcodes don't seem to work in the top left box of the screen - I need to be on the console page. And more I might list later), and I would prefer to be able to further remove some features such as display only one tool, remove Z Probe. At this stage I am aiming for good mechanicals with no bed levelling no orthogonal transformations and using one mechanical endstop with 2 Z screws. Baby stepping is very useful as even after setting Z height as good as I can by adjusting the endstop height (the bed screws are dedicated to levelling not height adjustment) further baby steps help with the first layer.
Of course the Duet with DWC allows real-time config changes for tuning many parameters on towers of various profiles - still very much a work-in-progress.
Yet to think about which ones are to be static in config.g and which ones in the slicer gcode settings, or even in macros called by the slicer gcode - something to do in a few weeks. Simple things like today's issue of altering fan speeds, or something else, near holes on vertical faces especially on thin walls - basic experimenting.
The second machine will have an even lighter moving mass because its bed is small with short X rods and with shorter belts should allow fast printing of small parts with thin layers, so a different set of config parameters.
Quick tweaking for different filaments, etc. Others have been here before but it is new to me - a much more efficient learning/development process.
The current testing - the latest print had external walls slightly indented adjacent to some internal holes - mmm?
There is more - but my work flow is adjusting to include the Duet's features with my printing program, tweaking the designs in Fusion360, slicing with Slic3r which I like but it seems a bit erratic in how its shortcuts change the underlying profile, or going back to Kisslicer.
Next step - what mA for my Extruder Stepper? An easy change with Duet's TMCs. A pancake motor driving a Nimble - it stalled a few times at 400 mA rather than grinding the filament which seemed odd considering the gearing of the Nimble - when I was doing speed testing around F400 at 215C. As I have a Volcano with a 0.6 nozzle I was expecting more as some have said 30mm3/sec which would be F600 - time to talk to Zesty and understand stepper motors and TMCs stall features that I haven't even read yet.
Thanks for your feedback!
@garis said in Sharing my first print with Kisslicer ... Damn ...:
Next step - what mA for my Extruder Stepper? An easy change with Duet's TMCs. A pancake motor driving a Nimble - it stalled a few times at 400 mA rather than grinding the filament which seemed odd considering the gearing of the Nimble - when I was doing speed testing around F400 at 215C. As I have a Volcano with a 0.6 nozzle I was expecting more as some have said 30mm3/sec which would be F600 - time to talk to Zesty and understand stepper motors and TMCs stall features that I haven't even read yet.
If you were doing extruder speed testing then you may have reached the point at which the driver supply voltage is not enough to maintain motor torque. See the back EMF calculator at