PanelDue firmware 1.23 now available
I have replaced release 1.23 by 1.23.2 here Changes:
- Fixed vertical lines left behind when a popup window is dismissed
- Negative babystepping and M291 Z axis jog buttons are now on the left, to be consistent with Duet Web Control and with the Move popup
I decided to give the PanelDue logo thing another shot, however it looks like bmp2c.exe is no longer supported on windows since it's a 16-bit app?
Hello everyone,
I wanted to update my Panel Due V2 < 7 pouces > to version 1.23.
I followed the recommendations here: "" but nothing works.
The BOSSA and Windows software recognize the com port without any worries, but when I start writing the "PanelDue-v2-7.0.bin" file, the BOSSA software remains silent and closes.
If I download the file "PanelDue-5.0i-7.0i.bin" I can update my Due panel, but it remains with a black screen when I connect it to my printer.
I read that it was normal because the file does not correspond to my type of screens.
I said that I tick the boxes "Clear all, Lock and Start from the flash boxes. "
What is the solution to get me out of this bad situation?
Thank you all. -
I made this in the last few days
try it out
not sure if it helps your error @Phaedrux since it uses the same EXE, but the EXE is one from my computer and it works, yours might be corrupted
and if it's not kosher to include the EXE the way I included it, let me know
@synergy41 Compare the size of your downloaded .bin file to what it should be from the website and download again.
@frank26080115 I get the same error message about not being a 64 app.
The new firmware works well for me. I like the new dark theme and the ability to disable info message.
One thing that seems counter intuitive are the colors of the homing buttons. I would think that they should be highlighted in yellow when homed and grayed out when not.
@phaedrux said in PanelDue firmware 1.23 now available:
I decided to give the PanelDue logo thing another shot, however it looks like bmp2c.exe is no longer supported on windows since it's a 16-bit app?
That's very odd. It's compiled as a 32-bit app and I run it under 64-bit Windows 10. I will check whether the version I am using has the same file size.
@zapta said in PanelDue firmware 1.23 now available:
The new firmware works well for me. I like the new dark theme and the ability to disable info message.
One thing that seems counter intuitive are the colors of the homing buttons. I would think that they should be highlighted in yellow when homed and grayed out when not.
I chose the homing button colours to be similar to Duet Web Control.
@samlogan87 said in PanelDue firmware 1.23 now available:
@dc42 do you have any idea when you might implement changes for people who reassign heaters so they display correctly on the panel due. I have swapped my hot end and heat bed around as I use a ssr for the heatbed but I can not make changes to the hot end temp via the screen at the moment as it does not register any values for it (just zeros)
Kind Regards,
SamReworking the whole tools/heaters thing in on my list but will be a lot of work that I don't have time for at present. However, RepRapFirmware will soon allow you to reallocate pins, so you will be able to use the conventional heater numbering.
@phaedrux said in PanelDue firmware 1.23 now available:
I decided to give the PanelDue logo thing another shot, however it looks like bmp2c.exe is no longer supported on windows since it's a 16-bit app?
Runs fine on my Win10 x64 as well.
(Feel free to PM me the bmp and I'll return the .c file to expedite things while you figure it out) -
The version of bmp2c.exe that I am using is a different size from the one in that directory listing. I have added the one I am using to the 1.23.2 release files.
@dc42 That one worked. Thanks.
@dc42 said in PanelDue firmware 1.23 now available:
I chose the homing button colours to be similar to Duet Web Control.
At the risk of involving in bikeshedding, the blue in the Web UI seems to me at least as emphasized as the orange. In the PanelDue it's gray and closer to the background color. Not a big deal though and I it's subjective anyway.
Additional feedback:
- Having the XYZ display in the Move panel is very user friendly.
- The red heaters color is very visible and would benefit also Dark Theme 1, instead of the dark red/brown color.
It may be that highlighting an axis being NOT homed is more important than highlighting when an axis has been homed. Usually, when the axis has been homed already, you don't ever need to press that button again -- greying out makes sense in this context.
Definitely, though, achieving consistency between DWC and PD is a good goal.
Thank you that was fine, everything is working now. -
@dc42 Thank you Logo work finefor me.
After update of my 7i there is always a "residual" contour of the warning windows at the right.
@brunofporto That's been reported and fixed. See the first post for link to 1.23.2.
@phaedrux Sorry then
I'll look for it, thank you!