Duet 3 Output Not Working
@JoergS5 That is interesting because my general guidance here has been from following @dc42's awesome wordpress blog https://github.com/Duet3D/RRF-machine-config-files/blob/master/E3D_Tool_Changer/dc42-duet3-centreZero-2Titan-2Hemera/sys/config.g... here it is as a cut and paste:
; Network M550 P"ToolChanger" ; Set machine name M552 P192.168.1.153 S1 ; Enable Networking M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP M586 P2 S0 ; Disable Telnet M667 S1 ; Select CoreXY mode ; Drive direction M569 P0 S1 ; Drive 0 Z M569 P1 S0 ; Drive 1 Y M569 P2 S0 ; Drive 2 X M569 P3 S0 ; Drive 3 E0 M569 P4 S0 ; Drive 4 E1 M569 P5 S0 ; Drive 5 COUPLER M569 P22.0 S0 D2 ; Drive 22.0 (E2) spreadCycle mode M569 P23.0 S0 D2 ; Drive 23.0 (E3) spreadCycle mode M584 X2 Y1 Z0 C5 ; Axis to driver mapping M584 E3:4:22.0:23.0 ; set extruder drivers M208 X-185:178.5 Y-149:49 Z0:300 C0:500 ; Set axis maxima & minima M92 X100 Y100 Z1600 C200 E834:834:409:409 ; Set steps per mm assuming x16 microstepping M350 E16:16:16:16 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation M350 C16 I1 M350 X16 Y16 Z16 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation M566 X400 Y400 Z8 C2 E200:200:200:200 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min) M203 X35000 Y35000 Z1200 C10000 E5000:5000:5000:5000 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min) M201 X6000 Y6000 Z400 C500 E2500:2500:2500:2500 ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2) M906 X2000 Y2000 Z1330 C500 E1400:1400:1000:1000 I30 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in percent M84 S120 ; Set idle timeout @DC42 is a kind of Ninja to me and his M584 section here has 2 entries; I thought maybe the Hermera(s) (running on ILC toolboard's over the CAN bus) might need a separate one... I mean @dc42 put it in HIS config.g file. That said, I have shrunk it to one... and the problem remains...
I would LOVE to sort this!!!... and thank you all for trying to help!!! -
@beachtec you confuse me with @Veti , the M584 was from him, the M906 comment was from me.
Did you change the M commands to have 2 entries for E?
Can you please repost the config how it is now? Maybe it's not moving because the endstops have a problem and are triggered from the beginning.And I did not understand completely your first description: is it in slot 5 or 0 which is not working? Is an endstop assigned to the slot which is not working?
@JoergS5 I am sorry for any confusion. Stepper 5 is NoOp. Steppers 3,4,5 are configured together to be the Z-axis. Motors 3,4 run and behave correctly. Swapping connectors with stepper 5, the new motor attached to stepper 5 connector does not function while the MOTOR that WAS connected to stepper 5 works fine in another position on the z-axis. I have commented out the stops (making no difference). Just trying to simplify and reduce the problem surface. I will post it in a few minutes. @JoergS5 , thank you for looking at this!!!
Are you getting any error messages in the console when you try to move the motors?
Please check if your Duet 3 may be affected by this known issue.
@beachtec a different thing is that the M92 for Z is wrong.
M92 Z1600 ; Steps/mm for Z - TR8*4 / 0.9 deg stepper
400 steps per rotation with M350 Z8 => 3200 steps for 4 mm => Z800 would be correct. -
@beachtec Lucky me. I have seen that error msg. My board# is WD41-412
@JoergS5 all 1.8 degree steppers (except the Hermera of course) ...
@beachtec so I was fooled by the comment...
Back to your problem, I think the first step to analyze would be to isolate the problem and test stepper 5 connector as single drive configuration (for drive X eg). If this works, the 3-drive-Z can be tested. Because now it could be a defective driver, a configuration issue, a wiring issue or something else.
@JoergS5 Fair enough... I should have probably done that before I posted! I will test a file and publish the results.
@beachtec you don't need a file, you can move the steppers by direct g-code commands in the "Send G-Code" field of the DWC duet web control. That's one of the advantages of Duet, the direct execution of all commands (with the exception of some config settings).
(> sorry if this bothers you, I don't know whether you are familiar with Duet). -
I wrote one anyway to try on a few different axis. Stepper 5, nothing. Other steppers work with the same settings.
@JoergS5 I am very grateful for the help and am always learning... do not worry about bothering me at all! I am good!
and I love that command line window!
@beachtec if driver 5 is defective, the common procedure is to look at the Duet 3 whether a defect is visible for warranty, so detailed images of front and back of the stepper 5 driver would be the next step. Inspections would be made by the moderators/administrators.
It's confusing that M122 shows no errors for driver 5, so I expect that the driver is not defect. Maybe a connection problem of the connector?
I do not understand it either. I believe that if the wiring was at fault, the stepper driver would have worked when a motor known to be working well was swapped out and the power was cycled. But when I did that. The drive I motor I swapped into Drive 5 did not work and the motor formerly in drive 5... worked fine in the new location. I would MUCH rather fix it then replace it... it's a lot of time and delays... but I understand. By the way, I wanted to redo all of my connectors doing this but there was just enough to do the job in my box but I tested them and they all show good connections, and the same Impedance and coil phasing. I have only had it a few days... been waiting to work on it this weekend.
@beachtec you'll have to wait for the experts. Good luck!!
Did you check out that link I posted? Send an email to see if you're affected by the diode problem. If so, replacement is really the only way to go.
@Phaedrux, @JoergS5, @T3P3Tony Epilogue.
Thank you for your help with this issue.
This forum is loaded with great people, support and solutions that drive a deeper understanding of your products and the creative ways they can be used.. it is straight up good reading, I always learn something and sometimes even gain a bit of humility!
I had my replacement Duet 3 sent overnight and installed it straight away... within minutes everything was working properly, even a few little issues I had with noise on drive 0 and 1, which seemed like it might just be tuning, were cleared up and the machine performed perfectly. I love drivers on this board, it is so quiet!
Anyway, thank you again for your help and support. Cheers!
@beachtec nice to hear that it has a good end. Happy printing!